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Fragrance Test Tube

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Fragrance Test Tubeの説明

🌡Love: art, history & psychology of perfume, niche fragrances, vintage minis & perfume books.

🧪 I started this channel cos I’ve been passionate about perfume for 26 years and love the geeky research and endless learning process that is fragrance. I never meant for this to become an income generator or new career, since I love my day-job as a psychotherapist with a passion and wouldn’t change it for the world. Because of my lack of time (& lack of interest in Youtube numbers or algorithms) you won’t find consistent, regular uploads here, so ring the bell ⏰ to stay informed of new content.

⭐️ All fragrances mentioned were purchased myself unless stated otherwise, so no undisclosed sponsorships or gifts here. Ever. However, since I am saving up to buy that second boat, I won’t say no to donations, "freebies", or third boats. I will however tell you about it every time that happens 😉

🦞If you'd like to support the channel you can do so here: ➡️

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