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Nick Cross ¥

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Nick Cross ¥の説明

This channel is a mix of everything I love to do. Music, comedy and life. I hope you enjoy the semi-daily journey with me. Let’s live this life we are blessed with to the fullest together, while learning, laughing and loving. It’s all about the experiences we have while we are here and the friends we make, who will surround us on our dying day. Please share this channel with your friends and family and let’s grow together, while I try to write some great music for you and talk one on one, to try to help each and every one of you through the good times and the bad.

Thank you for everything you do to help me make this channel what it is. I appreciate every person and every cent anybody contributes to help my drive to survive doing what I love to do for each and every one of you. There are no sides here, no genres, no rights or wrongs. Just a great family of people who want to make their lives extraordinary, while having fun in the process. I love you guys, thank you again!

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