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21 購読者を
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I do no commentary, unedited longplays, playing games to experience all they have to offer, all while going for platinum or 100%, if possible, streaming anywhere between 15 minutes to hours.

I'm typically chatting with the girlfriend beside me, but I'm not too funny, so I stay off mic, lol. But I play all kinds of games.

Some of my favorite being indie, platformers and RPGs, and my favorite series include, but not limited to, Monster Hunter, Soulsborne, Mass Effect, BioShock, Destiny and anything made by Gearbox, From Software, Capcom, Insomniac, and geniuses like Miyazaki, IGA, Ken Levine and Hideo Kojima.

Not doin' this for money, just for fun, but if you enjoy what ya see, eh, maybe subscribe. o/

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