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James Cityboy Gardening

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James Cityboy Gardeningの説明

Cityboy Gardening is a memorial to my Mother. She was born to my grandpa Jones a sharecropper and blacksmith from south Georgia. How I came to land on this final name for my channel, is, One day in 1979, my 6 year old daughter and I were picking vegetables out along Kendall Drive in Miami, FL. We picked some turnips and I pulled all the top greens off the turnips. My daughter didn't eat vegetables and I don't care for the taste of turnips, but Moma puts them in her mash potatoes. So I drove over to momas and gave her the turnips minus the tops. moma thanked me, then asked, where are the greens? I looked at moma with a blank look on my face, and said to moma was that turnip greens? Moma said, I can tell I raised you in the city boy.

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