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Truth In Evidence TV

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Truth In Evidence TVの説明

Truth In Evidence Haunted Tours is the latest and greatest Haunted Tour company to hit the streets of Savannah GA. With over 10 years of experience doing Paranormal Investigations and research, the Truth In Evidence Team brings a unique skill set to the tour community.
We are the ONLY Haunted Tour in Savannah to give customer Paranormal Investigating equipment during the tour. Armed with 4K Night Vision Cameras, Thermal cameras, K-II meters and Digital Voice recorders with Noise Cancelling Headphones (for live, continuous EVP sessions) we hit the streets of Savannah and give you an experience unlike any other! Walk the streets of the “city built on the dead” with us while hearing the historic tales that makes this the Most Haunted City In America!
Visit to book your tour. Like us on Facebook and Instagram

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