sKaTe BoRdInG MoViE #1

Publicado 2004-03-19

i no u people wernt expecting me to make a skate boarding video and u were expecting my evil dead tribute BUT my computer got a big virus that took over my whole computer and i couldnt save any thing....well i could but if i did and put it into the new computer than the new computer would get the same virus and ect ect... so i was working VERY hard on the evil dead tribute and i was almost done when then sudenly i get a VIRUS THAT CAN BE DESTROYED!. so on wed i downloaded flash mx the 30 day trail one and i have had it for 3 days so ya i made this skate boarding movie in three days. any ways i should go start the evil dead tribute again or start a new skate boarding movie cya. o ya my GAY email is [email protected]. ( i made up the neck warp spin)