Armor Games Snowball

Publicado 2006-01-30

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The sequel is out! Armor Games Avalanche! Play it at NG ID 363294 or click "Other Submissions by this author" on the bottom left corner of this page.

[PLEASE CLICK READ MORE] Another addition to the Armor Games Series. Roll your snowball down the cliff and see how BIG you can make it before breaking. Choose among 5 managers to aid you to win those snowball championships.

- Please do not judge based on filesize. Play it and then vote. It's less than 150K!
- There is no music to keep the filesize small.
- Read the help as it will provide more info.

Note on highscore spammer:
Yes, it is impossible to get 214875654 something... Someone hacked the highscores. I've seen that happen. So the 1st best snowballer would be the one with the highest 4-digit score. But if you manage to get 10000 without spamming, please tell me. I don't think that's possible so I'd like to know.

Thanks to:
-Armor Games for the highscore support.
-You guys for playing the game.
-The guys at Newgrounds for the frontpage.

Additional Notes:
-Some reviewers have pointed out that this game lacks some stuff like storyline, cash, upgrades.
-I admit that but that is because of the filesize. Lots of games are more than 500K and there's nothing much to them. But this one has 5 managers, records systems and championships, all in only 130KB!!
- This is also NOT a ripoff of Skifree the old Windows game. Just because it looks like skifree doesn't mean it is a skifree ripoff. Skifree is a game where you ski down a slope and get points for style and jumps, then you try and set a record time or get eaten up by a monster. This game involves making a snowball big.
- Some of you also said you prefer to have your highest score during a snowball run to be recorded instead of the score at the end when you crashed. Well, that's a good point but actually the game is set that way to make you try and avoid the trees too. But thanks for your feedback. I'll make sure that in the next edition I'll make an option to set the snowball to break upon hitting the trees.