.New Grounds.

Published 2009-04-01

Yo NGers, wsup?

This is a game I've had on the backburner for a while. I've decided that it's never gonna get finished, and I'd rather just throw up these first 3 levels and the boss fight and call it a day, instead of having it on my PC forever and nobody ever playing it. Five weapons is enough for anyone, I don't give a shit.

Ok so what is it? Well I wanted to make a game for Newgrounds, but I didn't want to do one of those CHECK OUT ALL THESE FLASH SERIESES THAT ARE ON NEWGROUNDS type things, because they're dumb. So I pretty much made a game about the TankMen and made it as big and dumb and awesome as possible.
Just to clear up some interface stuff:

When you fill your Morale meter, your hardon slows you down and hinders your jumping, but it does give you a way better firepower and rate of fire.

You cannot cut people's dicks off anymore- It was in the beta but I decided to take it out cos what the fuck that's just wrong.

If you're lookin for disk 2 of The Titanic, stop. I didn't finish the game, so it's not there.

I don't know anything about the Medals API, but wtf I'll work on it.

Alright well it's about 2 AM here, I'm gonna go to bed. You guys play this- And set the quality to medium, everything after the sniper mission is fucking intense.