Still Life Eternal


This is one of my entries from the 2008 Tournament Of Flash Artists (TOFA), which I ended up winning. The theme for this animation was "Bob wanted an apple, so..."
I made the crappy music and my bro Donald made the good music.

And TOFA is on again this year, sponsored by Adobe and happening at
So if animating to given guidelines in a short amount of time (e.g. 2-4 weeks) is your kind of thing, head on over to the TOFA website and sign up by nominating yourself in the forum. You only have about a week left to register, now! There's big PRIZE$ up for grabs this year, too. (/spam)
I won't be entering this time, however, so if you can animate better what you see in this video, then you might just win some BIG BUCKS.

The Adobe TOFA 2010 website: