Metal Music Maker

Publicado 2016-02-07

Current Version: 1.1.0 - If this number conflicts with the number on the main menu, refresh your cache.
UPDATE 1.1.0
- Added .json exporting and importing, for saving and sharing. Here's an example .json file I made:

- Attempted to fix loop desync and make the transition seamless. While not perfect, is a lot better than the last version.

More loops coming this weekend!
Hello everyone! This is going to be a big project for me. While I silently work on Dead Defense 2, I though I'd experiment with a little music maker. Sorry about the size, but some elements get janked up if I make it smaller.

While there are only 5 or 6 loops of each instrument, I plan on making weekly updates, adding more and more content to further expand the possibilities of Metal Music Maker.

I know it's not perfect: The UI is clunky, the samples sometimes are off sync (if this happens, just stop and start the song again), and there aren't that many loops, but I will definitely address all of these in future updates!



Q: The sliders are out of place!
A: I'm sorry about that, the CSS I used for the sliders is set to the original resolution. If you zoom in or out, it'll shift them out of place. I'll fix this in next week's patch.

Q: I don't want to make metal music. I wanna make [insert genre here]!
A: I plan on making little music makers like this for a variety of genres. Stay tuned!

Q: Lame
A: Just like ur mum LOLOLOLOLOL
(I don't mean it. Your mom is a lovely person)