WarioWare Tooned 7-2


YouTube version: https://youtu.be/_acBtOcnL80
Part 1: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/720111
Check out the WarioWare Gold Reanimated fan collab: https://twitter.com/WarioReAnimated

Kid ninjas? Fourth wall-breaking fanboys? Alien abductions? Wario and Mona's tour of Diamond City gets stranger by the minute. Kat doesn't let Ana get a word in, 9-Volt meets one of his heroes, Orbulon reconsiders his life choices, and Mona's concept of reality begins to crumble.

Wario: Joe Gaskill
Mona: Wendaline
Kat/Ana/9-Volt: Kira Buckland
Orbulon: Behon
Mugger: Steve Vito

Opening song: "Weird Al" Yankovic - Everything You Know Is Wrong
Credits song originally by Shadels: https://youtu.be/NTNtJrfuWZU