Unprepared Adventurer

Publicado 2019-09-14

WASD or Arrows - Movement
O or Z - Pick up item
P or X- Use item

This game was originally made for the Game Maker's Toolkit Jam. The theme of the jam was 'Only one' so I chose to go with 'Only one Item-slot'. This is an updated version that was made after a month since the end of the jam.

You can download the original version at the game's Itch.io page:

This is the second game I ever done and it took like a year for me to get around it, then it was just two days of work. Still, I think the reason I got burned out was because my first game felt a little disappointing, I was just starting out and had my expectations way too high, now I think I can handle it better, hopefully I will make games with more frequency.

TileSet: https://piratepoots.itch.io/dungeon-starter