
Published 2023-06-12

If you got ideas for challenges please share them here. I only came up with those 6 and they are mostly pretty same-y. They don't need to be super hard, I'm not looking to make an impossible game. :P

arrows -> move and aim
z -> shoot
x -> lock aim to current direction
x (tap quickly) -> jump

Changes for 0.4.1

Pickup the gray boxes for randomly generated weapons. There are no ammo refills.
Weapons' properties can be determined by looking a the gun's barrel(s). See if you can figure it out.
Enemies can be killed by pushing them into the spikes or by shooting them three times.

Old stuff:

Changes for 0.0.3

Changes for 0.0.2

I just started throwing stuff together without a clear plan. It might be going somewhere. Still very much work in progress.