Need help, code reviewing the basics

Published 2023-06-12

I just started playing around with Pico-8 and while I've been programming for a very long time, I've never done so at such a low level so I'm finding P8 a great challenge that is wonderful escape from my daily style. That being said, I'm looking for code review-style feedback on my first little learning game.

I'm making a simple game for my preschooler daughter so it's not complicate but it's requiring me to cover all the basics for making any game - collisions, maps, sprites, movement, etc. This first pass focuses on movement and object/sprite collision. I watched the "popular" light cycle tutorial as well as read through the Fanzines and took all that cobble something together. So thanks to all of those people! It's be a treat learning something new.

Right now the game is just moving the character around and collecting food items. Run into a present and food pops out. Run into the food and they disappear (collected). That's it.

Again, I'm just looking for feedback on how it's written, probably mostly around the architecture and places where I'm wasting space. The game is working as I expected, so there are no bugs, per se...just looking for efficiencies.

I am planning on adding more graphics and stats that keep track of what's been collected. There will be other screens but that's the next lesson.

I appreciate any feedback, thanks!