3D Framework v0.3 +demo (basic)

SEE INSIDE to find out how the pretty simple control scripts allow quite complex-looking manipulation of the two objects, including the camera-view switching between them.
Documentation for camera/structure control blocks is coming...

Anyone out there with 'rotate-this-3d-shape' type projects of your own want to try recreating it (or similar) using this framework?

Some hints where to look to find things:
Look in the "Master Control" sprite to see the main control loop, and how the user object control is initiated at each frame.
For the rotation of the objects, look in the "Structures" sprite (it's just a single custom block to make it rotate!)
The "Camera" sprite shows how the view-switch happens (again, only a single custom block!)
The "Setup Styles" sprite is where the colours are defined for the cube & pyramid surfaces.
The "Setup Structures" sprite shows how the cube & pyramid are made from points and surfaces.

The project includes script to create the same background objects (earth/moon/sun/stars/etc.) as found in the recent more complex 3d demo: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11397100
If you switch the stage to black, then go to the "Background Decor" sprite and switch on "Background Objects", and connect up the disconnected script, then you'll get all the stars and things from the previous demo (on a black background, if you remembered to switch the stage backdrop to black).