Pacman's Ghost

Publicado 2017-08-23
Turn up your sound!

Thanks for top loved August 26!

This animation is about a tragic Pacman death which results in Pacman becoming one of his enemies XD
I hope you think this little gag is funny bc I came up with it m'self and thought the idea of it was pretty funny :P :D

I spent a lot of time making sure the animations were right and matching the sound to the animations :)
I hope you like the final result!

--- Credits ---
- All art/animation/coding by me, @ExperienceSea
- @Except gave me some helpful suggestions
- Characters from the game Pacman
- Sound from :P But originally from the game Pacman (Except for the scream and the ghost celebration music which is from the scratch sound library)
- Font is Amatic Sc from Google Docs
- @PinkyPepper for helping fix a bug :)