Lighting Clan Bio shade/shadestar

once upon a time there was tribe, it overlooked cats for there rank.they had about 50 members, going all the way from chief- to prisinor. one day, the chief fell in love with someone. this was forbidden, the tribe beileived that the chief would have kits and not care for her clan. but the chief broke the they had two kits. the tribe was not made at all though, in fact they never left the kits alone. the kits never got alone time with there mother witch meant less feeding time than they needing and less naps. this was rather unhealthy for the kits. but the tribe did not think about that. then, one night the healer of there tribe had a dream of two black cats, who she immediately assumed to be the chiefs kits fighting of a giant evil crow. with the rest of the clan unable to fight because they ate to much cat nep. now this is obviously just a dream and not a prophecy. but the tribe was convinced these two kits were to save the clan.
by the time Shade was a fighter in training, she didn't have many friends. but her brother fact she was made fun of for her paw.she only had four toes on one of her paws. the fifth one that would help her climb gone. and her toes on the one paw were rather small. but the claws were huge, she coudnt retract them back that much. this would be a benefit later in her life. but now, it was a curse. her brother and the other kits and apprentices tormented her constantly. so she spent alot of her time training.not wanting to be around he brother.
they both became full on fighters. in this tribe, you have to find whats called your totem. its an animal that you may not eat or harm. you go out and wander alone untill you reach this tribes i guess moon pool. then you sleep. you should dream about your animal all night. shades totem was a dog.

she woke up to the smell of smoke. her brother was staring at her. smirking evily. they were surrounded by fire. "what are you doing brother?!" she yelled. "getting rid of you. the prophecy is for me- and only me!" he yowled. he pounced to shade's direction trying to push her into the crackling flames. but shade dodged the attack. sending her brother into the fire.
her brother yowled in pain. " there is the muddy marsh nearby. I'll save you if you say nothing about tonight except for the fact the you got you totem." shade offered. her brother nodded weakly. her brother had put a hole in the circle of fire. she used this oppertuninty to drag him to the marsh. "you realize we aren't gonna save cats on catnip from a giant raven right?" shade asked.her brother just growled. "what ever..." shade rolled her eyes.she realized though, that at that moment this would be her opportunity to leave. her brother wasn't going to keep his promise.
she stared at her brother for a second. all she saw was hatred. no love.she walked back to camp having memories. she growled, and stole some prey from the pile and ran away.
shade wandered for about another 4 moons until she found her perfect home. she settled in a dead tree with a hole.