Cat Bio Template Sparrowpaw

Publicado 2015-01-02
Long long ago there was two cats. They lived in a clan.One though, worked for the little remains of the dark forest.the other one had no clue, what so ever about this.Until, the mother had two kits.then the father, who was in the dark forest, spilled the beans.the mother couldn't take it. she didn't wish to be with the father she ran away with the unborn kits.
Her mother went to another clan, an enemy clan. the clan took her in to use her, there plan was to expose the dark forest cat at a gathering.they were about to do so, but on the night of the gathering, her mother had kits.and she died. since no one was there, a queen about to give birth took them in. she hid them from the clan. Sparrow paw's brother died. he was weak and wasn't getting the care that he needed.
Sparrow paw was soon taken back, to the clans camp the day her Step mother's litter was born. she was only a few days older than the litter, so the problem of her being bigger wasn't a problem.
She grew up as a kit believing that she was part of the litter. But she always was a bit different than them.She was always kind of behind, like when the kits started to learn how to swim (she would be in river clan, but if theres any fan clan, thats like river clan. such as like stream clan or something, then i will still join it)
Her father saw the vulnerability, he was in the dark forest now, so he started to train her in his sleep.