a look in my 2020 bujo ✾

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➸ Hello! Sorry I was gone for a bit longer. Today's project is a "flipthrough" of my 2020 bullet journal! I am going to post a 2021 bullet journal "setup" so stay tuned! :)
❦ p r e v i o u s  p r o j e c t
➸ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/459497934
❦ n e x t  p r o j e c t
➸ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/467748252
❦ c r e d i t s
➸ thumbnail- @Silver_Art13
➸ music- Biscuit by Lukerembo- https://soundcloud.com/lukrembo/biscuit
➸ codes- @Silver_Art13
➸ tags- #bulletjournal #2020 #bulletjournalflipthrough #bujo #2020bulletjournal