Riddles & Reality ❧ A Guide to the Rift

Published 2022-06-05
“So,” you start as you follow your guides down a staircase of wispy gray clouds. You tilt to the side, gazing out at the blackness before you. “What is this place again?”

“The Rift is. . . a dreamscape, of sorts.” Birdi says after a moment of thought. “So this isn't actually us. We're shadows of our real selves."

“Right.” You can’t resist the urge to pinch yourself. “Why am I not waking up, then?”

“Because it’s a special kind of dream. It lasts longer than your real-life self is asleep.” Moonlit answers. “You've been one of many people randomly selected to visit the Rift. You'll be trained by the Bearers – myself, Birdi and Kit – to develop your ability to navigate it."

“But how do I get out of here?” Your heart begins to beat faster.

“That’s a question that just one of us can’t answer.” Kit explains. “By the end of thirty days in the Rift, our goal is to have unlocked enough doors to open the final door - the one that will take us home."

Birdi nods. “If we succeed, all of us get to wake up but still retain our memories of our time in the rift. We’ll be able to revisit the rift in our dreams every day after that, navigating it further or just using it as a refuge if we wish."


“But if we fail,” Birdi continues, her voice turning deadly serious, “Our real selves will still wake up - but our dream selves will be trapped alone in the Rift for as long as we’re alive to see it.”

You burst out laughing, but your laughs subside when you realize none of the Bearers are laughing with you. “Oh, so you’re serious?”

Birdi nods, a smile half-formed on her face. “But don’t worry. I’ve been a Bearer for long enough now to know that you won’t fail. We believe in you.”

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. . . to the guide to Thriller July 2022!

Here are all of the important links, or what we in the Rift might call the 'main doors'.
• Thriller Cabin
• Main Cabin
• Matching Profile Pictures
• The Naturescape
(Birdi's Word Counts)
• The Storyscape
(Moonlit's Word Counts)
• The Timescape
(Kit's Word Counts)
• SWC Rules
• SWC Megathread
Use of the megathread is OPTIONAL this session.

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【Helpful Resources

I collected a list of writing-related projects that I find a lot of fun <33 It's not required to view any of these, but they all have potential to be helpful to the writing process if you're looking for that :0

1) "Writing Prompts" by @Bellevue91
2) "My Writing Tips" by @InspireBookz https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/355776882/
3) "a color guide | writing tip" by @stardipped https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/321699344/
4) "Is Your Character Cliche?" by @smartcutecandy https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/136594008/
5) "How to be a writer" by @Chromesthesia https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/368820230/
6) "The Ultimate Artist-Writers' Block Cure (V1.0)" by @GrowlingRat https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/159079214/
7) Old SWC workshops by @ATonOfAwesomePeople
8) "diversity in writing" by @caramelize

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• Myself for the coding and my past guides for everything I stole from those eheh
• Music is an instrumental cover of Believer by Atlys