Boba Pet Café - An Interactive Café

Oh wow thank you all so much for the feature!! This really means a lot to me!! :DDD

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-I'm trying to respond to most comments :)

Please join my contest also:

(volume recommended)
Hi!!! Do you love bubble tea? Cause bubble tea is probably one of my favorite drinks. I new I had to make something since I love cute animals and calming cafes. So from there I added in my love for boba into the cafe and characters.

[ Make sure you explore everything there is to this interactive cafe project: ]
- Click the hedgehog behind the desk to order your own boba (select what you want in your boba and press the check).
- When you order boba it will show up by the counter, make sure to click it and enlarge the boba so you can click it again to drink the boba.
-Hover over the all the characters to see a surprise.
-The bunny is a boba bunny which is a brown sugar flavored boba (my fav flavor hehe)

- Music is by @-Xaf- Song is titled "Alone For Now"
- Sound effects are from the scratch sound library
- All art and code is by me @mallo222
(you may recognize the desk from my pop shop lol)

Hope you enjoy!

#Art #Cafe #Calm #Calming #Relaxation #Relaxing #PetCafe #Pet #Bubbletea #Boba #Tea #Bobatea