Cowboy Bebop and The West

Published 2019-09-03
We are finally cowboys.

Cowboy Bebop is a mishmash of genres and styles from film, art and music. One of the most prominent is the classic Hollywood Western, so I scrambled some eggs to try and make that mean something.

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jeb bush equals my nuts - sluggerville louis
Coler of the Wind - Bizen
Go Go Cactus Man - The Seatbelts
Muladhara - Shoji Meguro
N.Y. Rush - The Seatbelts
left handed shoota - sluggerville louis
清水 嶺 - Night bard
Digging my Potato - The Seatbelts
American Money- The Seatbelts
Welcome to this Lateshow(メインメニュー) - 来兎
NITORI IN JAZZ - SOUND HOLIC feat. Swing Holic Band
Jake Marshall ~ Vagabond Detective from the Wild West - Masakazu Sugimori
Swamp Stage - Tetsuya Shibata
We Are Finally Cowboys - Masafumi Takada
タイトル未定 - 紅い流星
Ask DNA - The Seatbelts
Gotta Knock a Little Harder - The Seatbelts
Cats on Mars - The Seatbelts

Murdoch, David Hamilton. The American West: the Invention of a Myth. University of Nevada Press, 2001.
“32483b: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - National Archives and Records Administration.” 32483b | Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - National Archives and Records Administration,
Staff, PopMatters. “West By East By West: The Influence of Kurosawa on the West and Vice Versa.” PopMatters, PopMatters, 25 Feb. 2018,….
Schatz, Thomas. “Cowboy Business.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Nov. 2007,
Nodjimbadem, Katie. “The Lesser-Known History of African-American Cowboys.”, Smithsonian Institution, 13 Feb. 2017,….

All Comments (21)
  • @EthanBolli
    Metal Gear Solid 4 was a Mistake Was released 1 year ago, I C H E C K E D
  • @werewolfbf
    "More often than not, the message doesn't seem to be, 'Be honest with yourself about your emotions. Vulnerability is worth it.' Because the characters aren't rewarded for that vulnerability. Instead, the message is, 'You are vulnerable. It's not a choice.' No matter how tough you are, you have a squishy human heart. Sooner or later, you are going to lose someone and you're going to be pretend it doesn't hurt. But it will. The way you handle that is not swallowing your emotions, it's accepting and processing them. And maybe you won't be able to move on, and if that's the case, See you Space Cowboy."
  • @jackpollard550
    “I’d like to talk about Spike’s third rival. That’s right - **SOLIDUS SPIKE**”
  • @anon2234
    Steak the world needs you man. Talk about some stuff some more, we'll listen.
  • @ToonCrate
    It's not 3.5 hours long? 0/10 My whole year is ruined
  • @mercury2157
    "THANKS NETFLIX. CAN'T WAIT FOR 45 PERCENT ON ROTTEN TOMATOES." Congratulations, you're a prophet.
  • @MrSpontanicus
    "Surely the Light Yagami of appreciating electro swimg" Has got to be one of the best lines I've ever heard in a youtube video.
  • @dantevitale5714
    Someone please tell me how this guy isn't a professional? You're not allowed to throw out the line "surely the Light Yagami of appreciating elctro-swing" and then just not become a sensation. Plus the entire MGS4 video that I've watched in it's entirety like 6 times because it's so fucking incredible and well written and actually funny and there are honest nuanced opinions. It's incredible
  • "Surely the Light Yagami of appreciating electro-swing" is the Dark Souls of self-identification.
  • @joshuam2714
    As of the live action's release it sitting at 48% on rotten tomatos... This dude saw the future 2 years ago, come back dude!
  • @KnjazNazrath
    Finally, someone having a go at Bebop without using the whole "Spike is cool, also sadness" angle. Good stuff.
  • @AstroNotTheBoy
    You're a loose cannon steak. But by god do you get results.
  • @Toanon
    It’s kinda odd how for as often as I see people discussing Cowboy Bebop, I never see people talk about the actual COWBOY aspect of it. I mean it’s in the title of the show. So this is a refreshing video to see. I liked your MGS4 critique and seeing this was a pleasant surprise in my notifications.
  • @UnitingMilk
    I just finished Cowboy Bebop again tonight for the first time since I was like 14 and I can't believe how much that series affected me now that I'm older. This video essay really pushed me to give it a second watch and really made me think about a lot of new things that I wouldn't have!
  • @PKMidori
    "Many grow out of this, most don't. I didn't." I felt that.
  • @jaimedeleon1194
    That was glorious! I'm gonna replay this on my television with a bunch of friends and count the number of times they talk over it and miss the point