i talk about a starless clan's protags for seven minutes then ut music plays

Published 2022-02-08

All Comments (21)
  • @LollingCatto
    before anyone comments i know its obvious i recorded the ut music with my microphone lmao. its sarcasm at the end
  • I actually quite liked Flamepaw and want his relationship with his clanmates to be developed! like, he has an actual brotherly relationship with Baypaw, which is adorable!
  • I don’t read Warriors anymore, but this arc actually sounds decently promising. I love what they did with Flamepaw (although a non-Firestar descendent trying to live up to him would be cool idk)
  • @errorduck
    I just finishing reading the excerpt and I gotta say I’m actually looking forward to reading more about these cats. Flamepaw and Frostpaw have some great set up for them. Sunbeam gives a “young adult” vibe of trying to live her life, p much a background character who’s hopes and dreams have been brought to our attention. Now it’s time to wait and see just how everything in Sunbeam’s life goes wrong. (It would be neat though if her obsession with being a good loyal warrior is due to hearing stories of her sister who’s lack of loyalty nearly destroyed the clan.)
  • Well if their not going to make a firestar descendent ginger(he technically should be ginger though) then I don't want to see anymore tigerstar clones either.
  • I remember just being shocked when Frostpaw flat out admitted she thinks she is better than Mothwing, and it was something I remembered about her! That genuinely got a chuckle out of me when I was reading and I really hope Frostpaw continues this way being an unintentional arrogant little child and having to learn later the errors of her way and how much she can actually learn from Mothwing.
  • My expectations for the characters: I can already see Flamepaw, after failing his assessment, trying as hard as he can to make up for it but getting more and more unmotivated. The weight of expectations for him because of Firestar leads him to be a bit less protagonisty and make him an almost annoying character, espessially without a mother and father figure. He'll just be moody, but get himself wrapped up in the arcs drama somehow anyways and eventually prove himself for who he is and not who Firestar is. I just want Sunbeam to almost be a generic warrior, to an extent that isn't boring for us. I don't want any drama with Blazefire, no "Oh he never actually realized she loved him" or "Oh no he loves another cat now." None of that! I think she will be used as the eyes in ShadowClan, similar to Bristlefrost in ThunderClan, and somehow get herself wrapped up in the plot. I want it to happen with her being a good warrior though... Finally we got Frostpaw! I've got my expectations high with her. Out first real RiverClan protagonist is a medicine cat apprentice, trained by Mothwing after Willowshine died, AND Mistystar is on the brink of death (cough finally)... I bet you both Mistystar and Reedwhisker (sadly, I want to see him as leader) are going to die and it will be up to Frostpaw to pick a new leader since Mothwing has no connection to StarClan... you think she will pick the right cat?
  • @Ra1nee
    I’m hoping that SunBeam will just try to get on with her life not really caring about the changes to the code but gets dragged into the drama by possibly getting caught up in something (nit sure on what). FlamePaw I want him to distinguish himself from his family as the end goal and him being involved in the main plot and having a rocky relationship with SparkPelt I hope FrostPaw gets involved in the plot of the first book by possibly MistyStar dying and Reed (whatever his suffix was) gets possibly rejected by starclan when it comes to getting his lives and they have to act like he hit his lives but the secret could be spilled and flame and sun may be able to get involved there sun possibly by her clan wanting to support RiverClan in their time of need but sun not agreeing with helping and Flame by ThunderClan for ONCE not getting involved but running into Frost at a gathering before and becoming friends with her and trying to be helpful to them. The end goal is to have Misty die though.
  • @Spectorwing
    I liked how angsty flamepaw is lol. We haven't had an angsty pov since jayfeather. And while I love love love sparkplelt, I love how we get this pay off for her actions, no matter how much we understand them. I like how frostpaw and flame paw mirror each other, in more than name. Both deal with the loss of their father but it's clear flame paw is more insecure and understated, he wants to challenge things he strikes me as the type to let his emotions rule him. Frost paw on the other hand mourns her father less. She had this hint of arrogance like while she wants to prove herself, in her head she is already above some cats. She strikes me as the type to be unintentionally manipulative through practice, or like she is going to sell out mothwing because she believes herself superior to her. Sunbeam is a balance and probably my favorite still. I think her thing is less about being respected and more about morals. But I think her arc is going to be turning that on its head and connecting her morals to identity. Sunbeam is going to be forced to reflect on politics and cats around her as spireclaw is having his romance and blaze fire will probably support it. However I do think they want lightleap to be a foil to Sunbeam. Where Sunbeam prioritizes honesty and morals lightleap is desperate to earn the respect of her clanmates again and is spiraling because of it. (Lowkey wish she was a pov but it's fine)
  • @rosewood8777
    Your designs are very pretty! And I'm super excited for Spireclaw and Fringewhisker too :)
  • Y know I never really noticed the name stuff but yeah! It’s odd and not great. But what is great is those designs!! Absolutely beautiful, especially Sunbeam’s and the love birds on the corner❤️❤️
  • @Someperson12532
    Well..I have read a book where there is a Starless Clan, but since there are problaly more Starless Clans, I am not going to watch this video.
  • @starcycle4308
    Thank you for alerting me of this exert. I would not have known if it weren't for you and now I will go make fanart.
  • I'm very excited for this arc! I love the protagonists!! Background characters unite!
  • @batsnghostz
    new names sound cool!!! fringewhisker!! spireclaw!!
  • The cat: Lemme be in the video. (You should draw your cat as a warrior cat for a video!)
  • @Angie_Ashf3rn
    I’m really looking forward to this arc!!!!! :0000
  • @testerwulf3357
    YES, why are cats always named after males?? I wanna see some named after females! I agree with your nitpicks about certain kits being named after male cats that don't make sense for their looks but the female that would doesn't get picked because it's honoring a she-cat. Warrior cats sadly does has a little sexism towards she-cats.. This batch of protags seems promising..I hope none get bland personalities or rarely any screen time/nothing worthy to read in their screen time (they for some reason struggle with making multiple cats relevant to the plot in an interesting way..I hope none get left out in the back). Btw I LOVEEE your frostpaw design!! I'm in love with the silver fur siamese look (it's just a super pleasing color combination to look at).
  • @bluesheep7
    I like how both Frost and Flame have similar issues regarding their parents. Overall, this looks interesting to me, I might give it a chance, after five years of not following the plot by the books.