99% Missed This: Your Turn!

Published 2024-03-27

All Comments (21)
  • @NidusFormicarum
    I calculated the 9 move check mate for the first one. Took me about 40 minutes. Have to continue tomorrow. Too tired now.
  • It's all fun and good, until a random 12 year old says Mate in 23 and actually mates you in 23.
  • @jonnyboom5993
    I read a chess book about opening attacks from the library once (pre-internet) They featured a classic game from about 100 yrs ago where mate in 8 was announced. The king was walked across the board and castle was even used for one of the checks. It was the first time I saw how beautiful chess came be.
  • @tominmo8865
    For me it was too difficult. Didn't get any, but I had the right idea on most of them. I can't visualize that many moves ahead in complicated positions like these. The shorter mates in 2 or 3 at the end of each puzzle were doable for me. I'm about a 1500 on a good day, and 73 YO. Maybe this wasn't a good day though.....I think my limit is about mate in 6, and I'm sure I miss lots of those in my games.
  • @roblodocus2539
    I donโ€™t think I could ever be sure enough to announce a โ€œmate in Xโ€ in a game. Being wrong would be too mortifyingly embarrassing haha. Great fun though, I had a couple right, I was on the right lines with the calculations, but would often miss a potential move 4 or 5 moves in, where it would then deviate from my thinking. I find keeping track of where pieces will be in my mind so difficult.
  • @KingdomChess10
    let us all appreciate how good has he become now than before..
  • @AdvikPanda
    With some time analyzing the position, I solved all 6
  • This video was an amazing way to discover new ways to checkmate. So much knowledge in one video this was something special. I really loved this sort of content Nelson, I would very much like more videos like this to come in the future!
  • @npa2005
    Nice video. I also found an alternate finish to the 4th puzzle. You can play Nxh2 instead of Ne4, before then following up with Nfg4 and Be3 also giving mate in 7.
  • @venkateshas1381
    It's very good, interesting and educative Nelsi. Please make more similar ones and help us to improve our game. It's very good to check ourselves our ability to think of more than one move at a time. Thanks.
  • @PickleCODM-hw6cj
    I immediately saw the path + first move for every one but when i was about 5 moves in calculating i found mates, but missed some resources that the opponent had. This video has helped me see the weaknesses in my chess, I really hope to see more like this one!
  • @OcteractSG
    17:58 If you change up the move order, this is a valid gambit response for white to the Frankenstein-Dracula Variation. If 4โ€ฆ Nxc3, then white is playing a reversed Stafford Gambit up a tempo. As for the puzzles I missed 1 and 6, got the last two moves wrong on 2 and 4 (positions got fuzzy in my head), and nailed 3 and 5.
  • @masonfoster619
    I got 4 correct by randomly choosing the next to largest number on each one, but I did find the same mate in 6 that almost worked for the last puzzle.
  • @lethalty6055
    Even picking two different options, I only got two right.
  • @dnisbet71
    11:42 alternative is Bxb5, but same pattern ensues, mate in just 8 because N at d6 blocks the king.
  • @educat1on166
    that second one would take me at least 10 minutes to figure out and this alekhine guy just walked around 20 boards and found it, huge respect
  • @jot2b
    This was awesome! Hope you do more of this series. Also, hope Kristin will come back for a game!