The abortion war | Fault Lines

It has become one of the most vicious, important and divisive battlegrounds in the 2012 US presidential election.

Since it was legalised in 1973, the issue of abortion has polarised the US, but now the battle has been taken to a new level.

"What is abortion? Fundamentally it's the killing of an innocent child. If you can't get the life of an unborn baby right, I can't trust you with my taxes, education or anything else."

- Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue

Last year, an unprecedented number of laws have been passed across the US, all aimed at restricting abortion or reproductive rights.

But the fight goes far beyond the medical procedure, with Republican politicians even attacking the Obama administration for making contraception more readily available.

The US has seen more anti-abortion violence than any other country in the world. Since 1993, at least eight abortion providers, including four doctors have been killed. And there have been over 200 arsons and bombings against reproductive healthcare clinics since 1977.

Why is a medical procedure being reframed as a deeply divisive moral issue in the US?

Fault Lines travels to California to meet the next generation of frontline troops fighting to ban abortion, and to Ohio and Tennessee to investigate what lies behind the so-called war on women.

"It [Ohio's heartbeat bill] really only sees a woman as a carrier and she has no other right beyond her ability to reproduce. One of the reasons that these abortion bills are so dangerous is because it chips away at the notion of personal liberty, your right. And what can be more fundamental to your personal liberty than being able to control your own body ....

Women died trying to get back-alley abortions. Do we want to get back to that in the land of opportunities, the land of freedom? When did it become a sin and a shame to be a woman in this country? But that is what is happening in the 21st century in many states across this country and also in our congress and it's just absolutely shameful to me."

Nina Turner, Ohio state senator

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コメント (21)
  • I never understood how those who are against abortion and believe that life begins at conception are against contraceptives. Don't contraceptions PREVENT conception and thus lower the need/want/demand for abortion?  If one is against abortion, won't the logical conclusion would be to PROMOTE contraception?
  • I've always wondered how actual survivors of the Holocaust feel about their suffer being compared to abortion.
  • You can't call yourself pro life and also be against universal healthcare. 
  • "If abortion is murder, then blowjobs are canibalism." It doesn't get any simpler than this, folks.
  • @TheJcanno8
    A woman is not obligated to carry an unwanted pregnancy in order to give it to some barren couple. You want to adopt--there's lots of older kids in foster care who would love a permanent home. You can even receive financial help to do so.
  • Perhaps, seeing as men are so into determining how a woman's body should be used, it should be mandatory for them to use condoms unless there is consent to raise a baby.
  • Interviewer: What do you think makes a woman want to have an abortion? Congressman trying to remove abortion access: I don't know. That's a question I've never even thought about.
  • I don't think any man/woman/law has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body. I'm sure a lot of men really do have good intentions when they speak about how abortion is wrong, but it does come of as hypocritical and shaming when they will never personally themselves be affected by those choices and decisions. They will never be forced to unwillingly struggle as a young single parent because they didn't have any other options available.
  • @oshinsr
    wow, "her right to choose ends when she gets into bed," wow! I can't believe that came out of the guy's mouth.
  • Im a man, and men shouldnt have a say in abortion being legal or illegal. That is a womans right to decide. That said that lady has had 5 abortions? that seems pretty extreme.
  • Children are dying all over the world due to real wars! Wonder how many of those people have adopted a child? Where is the outrage for the children who have lost their free school meals? Where are these people to change the laws with women who are young but wish to get their tubes tied? Women, like myself have been REFUSED the surgery because we are "too young". I'm married, we BOTH agreed not to have children. and I think these crazy individuals need to stay out of my marriage!
  • @lepp6598
    I don’t need a teenage Jesus freak to tell me what to do with my uterus.
  • @redmed10
    12.30 Buchy asked why he thinks women might want to get an abortion. He says it's not something he's ever even thought about. Says it all.
  • We are to speak for those who have no voice, and protect the most vulnerable and defenseless among us.
  • There are several episodes of call the midwife that point out why outlawing abortion would be a disaster.
  • @T3hXinro
    I once debated an anti-abortion protestor on the street. He was standing outside of a college with giant signs, and at first, I rolled my eyes and walked past. Something made me turn around and go back to talk to him, and what he said made me incredibly annoyed. I asked him "Why are you standing here holding signs and telling people to give birth to unwanted children when there are millions of kids living in foster care or orphanages without a loving home? Why do you care so much about those who aren't here yet when we have so many people who are here and need help?" Despite talking to him for an hour, he never gave me a satisfactory answer. In fact, he told me that he dislikes kids and would never want to volunteer with them. That's disgusting. Telling people to give birth to children they won't want, children who will likely grow up in poverty or without a family, is wrong if you do nothing to help those children and families. If you want to protest abortion, go ahead, but you better be spending equal time helping out in shelters and children's homes, adopting kids or fostering them, and lobbying for more funding to programs which take care of unwanted kids. Otherwise, you're a hypocrite for desiring to bring life into the world without caring a lick about the life they lead.
  • Control of their body doesn't mean they can have the baby inside them killed. Does the baby have a choice?
  • “What do you think wants to make a woman have an abortion?” 12:40 You’re right! You aren’t a woman, so keep your hands out of my reproductive decisions!