Let's talk about how Putin is saving the Republican party from itself....

Published 2022-04-07

All Comments (21)
  • @Leonaza7
    The funny thing is the GOP thinks they still have a shred of credibility.
  • @shadowbanned636
    The other shoe that NEEDS to drop on this, is arresting Trump and those responsible for January 6.
  • @gizmo4816
    Recovering Republican here. Also, former Army, so yeah, I'm part of that group that trained to fight the Soviet Threat. Putin represents EVERYTHING I trained to fight against, everything I killed. So, I'm glad the Republicans are finally getting a clue, but for me they're about 6 years too late. They lost me when they chose Trump as their candidate in 2015. After the way Trump went on and on about how great Vladimir Putin, Xi Xinping, and Kim Jong Un were, and then trying to blackmail Zelinsky to get dirt on Biden, plus the whole January 6 thing (all the while the Republicans were right there carrying the water for him), it'll be a cold day in hell before I vote Republican again.
  • @fnregistration
    They'll never appreciate the irony though. Too much of that party is a lost cause that belongs behind bars.
  • @JasonCarney.
    The GQP always figures out a way to hit a new bottom. Not as hopeful as Beau on this one.
  • @BeardOfRiker
    You have more faith in Republican voters than I do, sir.
  • @cmlaporte62
    All the “ don’t say gay” and restrictive abortion laws being passed tell a different story.
  • @kaythegardener
    Given that the GOP didn't even have a party platform in the last election & has reversed itself 180 degrees without batting an eyelash or noticing their own hypocrisy, I don't hold out much hope for the GOP to move away from its extreme RW dominance!!
  • @huffdaddy3845
    I imagine Marjorie Greene will be the last hold out in congress supporting Putin because she is a very low wattage bulb.
  • @garcjr
    I find it quite ironic how the GOP is backing someone who says the breakup of The Soviet Union was the worst thing to happen to Russia.
  • Even after what has happened, CPAC is still traveling to Hungary and is having Orban as the keynote speaker. They haven't walked anything back.
  • @JSJSpeaks
    👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You help keep me sane by offering such excellent synthesis of happenings, and this is a service one can only aspire to repay. We are in your debt, good sir.
  • @thesweetone
    When the GOP drops their "golden orange idol" and ditch the extremists, I'll be happier and feel safer.
  • @seidmadr2024
    Thanks. I needed this morale boost. I don't actually believe it - I think the GOP are too authoritarian to let go - but I'm happy for the morale boost
  • Been thinking along these lines. Seems like a gift to America and the free world. Reminding us how important democracy is. Ukrainians are paying the highest price and that's gut wrenching.
  • @emom46
    I am keeping my fingers crossed so hard that you are right on this, I'm nearly breaking my fingers off!
  • I never thought I'd think "I wish the Republican party was as sane as it was in the Bush era"
  • @ec5394
    Regardless of their political positions, those who crossed that line in supporting Trump & Putin relationship since 2016, should be removed from their seats of power/offices & forbidden the right to hold any type of political office in the USA for life, for allowing & becoming a threat against the American people as a whole, Our countries national security & Our US Constitution.
  • @jamesdavid311
    To move from the right wing to an authoritarian right wing, because they have an authoritarian presidential Candidate, didn’t require them to move very far. Because they were already there….waiting.
  • @TimothyCollins
    You have more optimism for the republican party than I do. I honestly can't see them turning from authoritarian ideals this generation.