The Rise and Fall of Eric Weinstein (feat. Joe Rogan)

Eric Weinstein is a genius... right? The story of a narcissistic nerd who stumbled into a world he does not understand - propped up and let down by Joe Rogan.

Music: Chrono Trigger & Policenauts OST
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コメント (21)
  • Eric uses the oldest trick in the book if you want to seem brilliant without actually being brilliant, which is "Every time someone asks for evidence, claim the evidence is being suppressed." In the 1980's, late night TV salesmen made money off this method with books like "The Such And Such THEY Don't Want You To Know About!". Same idea. "I have all the answers, but it might not seem like it because I'm being oppressed by a secretive evil power." The only claim Eric has to being brilliant is he graduated from Harvard. So do roughly 10,000 other people every year. And that's just Harvard, not counting other similarly elite universities like MIT, Oxford, Stanford, Yale, etc. Combine them all, and there's probably 100,000 people a year graduating from an uber-elite college. And 99% of them have more TANGIBLE evidence of their brilliance with their accomplishments, so they didn't optimize their personality into being a dramatic attention-whore on podcasts to try to confuse Twitter and Joe Rogan bro-science types into revering him. Go ahead and wow stoned bro-science dudes, Eric. Meanwhile, real scientists are launching real rockets, curing real diseases, inventing real technologies, and generally speaking, doing other things that are too meaningful to spend their free time mastering a very polished victimhood story for bro podcasts.
  • @CrabJock
    He reminds me of those websites that make you think you're gonna get somewhere..but you keep clicking link after link, and end up back where you started..
  • @emzee1148
    That guitar stuff really hurt. He's been playing guitar most of his life and pretends that it just came to him in a moment of genius. Ick.
  • @silas1414
    He’s status obsessed and so badly wants to be perceived as brilliant. It comes seeping out of him in every interview. Always self aggrandising, always trying to impress, always trying to attach his name to things and manipulate scenarios, like inventing a club for people at a higher status than him and inserting himself into it. The time he tried to trick Joe Rogan into believing he was a kind of first year guitar savant but was exposed as having played for five decades is classic Weinstein.
  • “His time at the cool kids table is almost up” pretty much sums it up 😂
  • @Sloimer
    This was his last appearance on JRE. It wasn’t long after that Eric started invading the UFO topic. Not a coincidence. He knew he wasn’t coming back - he needed a new grift.
  • To know Eric is a real treat, he's one of the great scientists of our time-- you ask him! You ask him, he'll tell you.
  • Eric Weinstein speaks in an endless series of recursive metaphors; What are the metaphors ultimately describing? Well, Eric will “boil it down” for you with yet another fine metaphor. Finally, he even throws grammar out the window, relying instead on his inscrutable acronyms. You can’t not feel stupid when listening to the man, and I suspect that is ultimately the point for him.
  • @JT-mr3db
    Eric's intellect is so adored and admired that he has definitely ascended to that that Guru level of social status. To say that he has to make up stories when he is bored by the plebeian masses that can't stimulate him is a clear indication he has travelled far too deep in to his own ass.
  • If egos where money Eric and Bret Winetime would be the richest brothers in history.
  • @f1aziz
    From Python programming language's namespaces to professional wrestling Eric throws everything to mesmerize his audience.
  • lmao Eric loved cClubhouse when it was feeding his ego/popularity on the way up, then got absolutely demolished by his peers and seemed pretty quiet after that
  • "I was appalled at how the scientific community responded to my work" Ok.... im so sorry they didn't accept everything you say without proof
  • @zarfilg
    First time I saw him I gotta feeling of annoyed pity. He has an air of desperation about him. His desperate desire to cozy up to the alpha cool kids (IE Joe Rogan) is cringe-worthy. Almost all academics suffer from that socially deviant bubble life combination of low self-esteem (please like me) and big egos (I'll show you). Poor guy... Any mature man who isn't comfortable in his own skin and place in the world I feel pity for - it has to be a miserable and confusing existence.
  • Rogan: and what are you doing with this crazy math?” Eric: “see that’s what I’m saying, Joe I’m a fan of everything your a fan of!” Rogan but what are you trying to do with these math experiments!?” Eric: well imagine there’s 14 dimensions but my made up rules say that we only are aware of four, maybe my math will give me powers! Idk! Joe: yeah well it’s been 4 hrs
  • @geico1975
    Just goes to show how important visual mediums are when explaining difficult ideas.
  • The Tim Dillon clip is so good. I was hoping you would include it and didn't disappoint!