True Strength - A One Punch Man Orchestration

Aight, trailer came out, so it's time to cover One Punch Man. Makoto Miyazaki, this one's for you! As always Like Share Sub and Ring That Bell if you like what you hear, follow me on my social media to ask questions and see what I'm doing, comment below on what you think and what you'd like to hear next, and I hope you all enjoy!

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コメント (21)
  • Saitama finally gets the full view of what he's fighting to protect, though, he never really needed it.
  • " He's a C class hero, with an S class heart"
  • Saitama might have beaten Boros, but he also completed him. Despite knowing it would have been easy to one punch Boros, Saitama empathized with him and gave him the fight he wanted because he knows what it feels like to want a worthy battle.
  • @a.m.d5251
    Human beings are strong because we have the ability to change ourselves -A hero for fun.
  • @shade5554
    3:21 Imagine this playing when saitama finds a worthy opponent, and the credits roll up without actually showing the fight.
  • Genos: These are the four threat levels. Some heroes decide if they go based on them. But I guess they doesn't matter to you, Sensei. Saitama: Of course not. If the heroes run and hide, who will stay and fight?
  • In the show, when Saitama lands on the moon it's almost comedic. However the artwork and the music to go with it gives it more depth I feel like. As if Saitama feels isolated and alone despite his impossible strength and yet he still goes on and keeps fighting. Honestly, a really fantastic job to both you and the artist, just keep doing what you're doing because it is amazing! =)
  • The only reason as to why the Boros fight lasted as long as it did was because Saitama was giving Boros what he wanted. Saitama could relate to Boros in terms of being plagued with boredom because of their overwhelming strength. Before they fought, Boros explained that his entire purpose in seeking out earth was to find a way of relieving his boredom, and we know for a fact that Saitama can relate to that. So, Saitama took it easy on Boros until he threatened to wipe out humanity. Turns out they weren't so different after all, apart from their strength levels and motives.
  • Saitama has soared beyond the realms of human limitations, to the point where he no longer remembers what it's like to be human. Yet, he still fights for the common folk. That is true strength.
  • @adam-8521
    Boros felt trapped. Too strong and unwilling to die until he met his match only to feel disappointed that he couldn't live up to Saitama's Expectations... even Monsters have Emotions. We all strive to become stronger in our own way. Be it to become Lionized or to become something of what we are proud of. We all have the goal of becoming the very best of who we are.
  • Damn gag series possesses a lot of heart and gives a true depiction of a selfless hero: Mumen Rider And Saitama
  • @hiimshana
    One Punch Man, a comedy anime, is actually one of the deepest and most meaningful anime I’ve ever seen. I love your orchestration, it’s sincerely awesome. Also thanks Youtube for not having notified me, very kind of you .-.
  • " I hate my super power strength! All it took was one punch, and the fight is over! The enemies will have to hit me a million times before its my turn to strike back. But, that was my favorite part of fighting! "
  • Heroes are the ones who fight for those who cannot defend themselves, so saitama is a hero to even the heroes. This is the story of the one who had everything, and nothing at the same time, the worlds greatest hero, and still just an ordinary person. True happiness is gained from the strength of the heart, not the muscle. So with all that strength, he still isn't happy, just like before.
  • What happens when two of the most powerful beings in the universe face each other down? They talk. Don't laugh, I'm completely serious. Because if you are both equal in strength, the only thing left to compare is each other's character.
  • ⭕️Why is Saitama such a special character? Many argue that Saitama is a "flat" character, that he only exists to be a parody and nothing else. When someone (from both: real life and in the OPM universe) sees Saitama, they think: “there’s nothing special about him, he is just a strange guy who cares about the supermarket sales and cares about living his daily life”, but there’s much more than that: Saitama does not want to "lose" or does not want to "die or being killed". Little by little, his way of thinking is revealed in some OVAS and the extra chapters of Manga. Saitama is not a bad person, and he wants to help others, but the real reason he is a hero was because of the excitement and adrenaline of being able to do "the only thing he is good at." It is as if Saitama would be sedated / anesthetized, he still hasn’t managed to awaken the emotion in him again, and in order to remove his limiter it had 2 consequences: 1.- Go bald 2.- All his emotion: Saitama feels alienated or excluded from society, Saitama makes it clear in the Manga that when he was a child he felt that he did not fit into society. And by saving the boy with the big chin, he was able to understand his "purpose", although he still doesn't really understand what "being a hero" is. So King gives arguments to Saitama, that "You are the most powerful hero of all, BUT you are NOT the best hero, aspire to be one." OPM is a masterpiece because from the very beginning he is ALREADY the strongest. His goal is to discover HOW he can be a better hero and how Saitama is changing the world and the lives of people who get to know him consciously or unconsciously. Also, it’s interesting that Saitama wants the recognition from other people for the work he does, but he always decides to do the right thing and even accepts life's injustices and takes them in a normal way. Imagine that you are in a super fun video game, but you have a hack that you cannot control and you kill everyone with 1 single click. If you ever meet 1 opponent that lasts a real battle, your love for the game will return. In many series or movies, we already know that the good guy wins in the end. Here at OPM we know from the start that he is going to win the physical battle, but not the other battles. For Saitama, winning is losing or at least having a worthy battle, this is when we don't know how the franchise will end: • Will Saitama end up finding a villain or being who beats him and recovers his strong emotions again? • Will Saitama be invincible forever, and discover that he can be happy in other ways and things should not be how he wants all the time? -There are many possibilities, and that is why in my opinion One-Punch Man is really special. And this text only talks about Saitama, EACH character (even if it is his/her participation is small), has their own motivations and purposes of being. 20 Words or less: “People usually see Saitama as a flat character, but there’s more if you unite the pieces of the puzzle”.