The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever Heard | Episode 14 | Documentary

Published 2022-06-24
In today's true crime documentary, we're covering the most twisted cases you've EVER heard.

Watch more episodes of the Most Twisted Cases series:

Episode 1:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 2:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 3:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 4:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 5:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 6:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 7:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 8:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 9:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 10:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 11:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 12:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  
Episode 13:    • The Most TWISTED Cases You've Ever He...  

All Comments (21)
  • "While many news outlets claim she was playing FarmVille, it was actually FishVille." Well, I'm glad we got that cleared up!
  • @RubyBlueUwU
    The moral is and always will be that if you cannot cope with a baby, you tell someone immediately and do not let it get to the stage where you are losing your temper with a baby. All parents struggle, it’s normal, it’s the reaction to that struggle that defines your character.
  • The guy who narrates these.... your voice is phenomenal. One of my favorites.
  • To any new mom, I get it when you go w/o sleep and there is no one to help and you FEEL desperate, engage your neighbor, your OB/🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️GYN, ANYONE, you know you’re on the edge, reach out to anyone, including 911 that you are feeling desperate. The feelings ARE overwhelming and I get it more than you can know, don’t stop reaching out, even your pediatrician can help. DON’T GO IT ALONE. Thankfully nothing awful happened in my case, a Sunday School member must’ve been able to see my raggedness —hubby wouldn’t help and with a 4 yr old up at 7, and the newborn who was up every hour, I felt like I was sleepwalking. She just showed up, told me to go ‘get some sleep’ and I went down for FOUR HOURS. ASK FOR HELP!
  • @FiberTheory
    I had postpartum depression with my first baby, and if it wasn’t for my grandmother coming to my rescue several times, I don’t know what could have happened. I wasn’t diagnosed with it right away by my OB because the signs weren’t there until after a few days. A mom needs to have a support system in place before giving birth to ensure that her baby is safe, and so is she. The baby isn’t the only victim. Hormone imbalances are nothing to ignore after birth, and all moms should be tested for this imbalance after childbirth. I truly believe that if these steps were in place, there would be less early child abuse.
  • I sit at my desk all day with an airpod in, watching EWU, than sending each episode I watch to a coworker, who sits at her desk watching other episodes as well. Love the content, the information gathering, and the content delivery. Don’t know any that do it better.
  • @DoctorBella
    Thank you for adding the PSA about Postpartum depression. New mother's struggles are often dismissed and most mothers feel so alone during those first few months.
  • Before I left hospital with my eldest, the nurses took my husband aside and told him to ensure that I was okay and not exhibiting signs of postpartum depression. They also spoke with me and told me it would be nothing to be ashamed of. At the time I was insulted but then soon realised that looking after a baby is harder than you’d believe & actually, the nurses advice helped me & my husband cope those first weeks when exhausted.
  • PPD and Post Partum psychosis can be a very scary thing. It needs to be spoken about more so mother's can get helped faster.
  • @TheBullet0012
    When the guy in the last case flat out says “they should never have let me out!”, you know that your judicial system is flawed and very ineffective! R.I.P. Dylan, Sydney and Jill.
  • I had PPD with my first son. He was colicky and didn't sleep at night. I was exhausted and mentally stressed. I remember placing him in the bassinet a little more rough than I should have. He gave a startled reaction than bawled. Immediately I was hit with guilt and picked him up and just apologized repeatedly. My mom, now ex husband and other family members helped me through that time. It's ok to feel the way we do but it's important to reach out to anyone who can help. Please ask for help it's not your fault but it's not your babies fault either. I was mentally, emotionally and verbally abused growing up and I ended that cycle. It is possible to change the pattern but nothing comes without very hard work and determination. RIP to all the babies who didn't make it!!
  • The first story is so heart breaking... my older sister was murdered by her 16 yr old babysitter at 18 months.. I am a mother of a 3 yr old and it's a challenge, but I can't imagine what goes through a person's head when doing something do horrible 😓
  • @FroggyBarnett
    Every Australian knows the Jill Meagher case. She was so lovely and innocent and as a nation we were devastated at what happened to her. All these cases are so sad.
  • I developed post Partum Psychosis with both of my kids. I only got through it and got better because I had help and support from others around me. It's a shame we treat it as a taboo subject. If you're a mother and you feel like something is wrong or you're not coping well, DO NOT BE ASHAMED OR EMBARRASSED to ask for help! There is nothing wrong with needing help and if you don't feel like you're being listened to, keep trying until you find someone who will listen to you before it's too late...
  • @videoshintu
    "Hurry, he's only fourteen weeks old!" 911 operator: "Shut up! SHUT UP! I'm trying to ask how old he is!!"
  • @DutchIsraeli
    I think this is so terrifying because we all recognise those terrible moments, those surges of blind aggression towards someone (adult or child) who is driving you to the limit of your sanity... and we are all scared of what we might do in a fit of rage. Thankfully, most of us stop short of hurting our children or anyone else, no matter how angry you are. But the strength lies in recognising when you might be a danger to your child and to remove yourself from the situation. It is a very hard and scary thing 😢
  • @yyc-ak4736
    I myself had and still have postpartum depression, my child is in good hands and care . It was extremely bad. I couldn’t eat, if I did eat I would either puke or If I could keep it down I would have diarrhoea couldn’t sleep, high heart rate and sweats, didn’t want to hang out with no one , had no desire to do anything that I liked …This guy nailed it right on the money with the symptoms. I tried very hard to raise My child, she was about 18 months when I had to make that hard decision to send her away and be safe. The hardest , and I mean the hardest thing to do is to admit you need help . It was very hard I cried for months afterwards, I felt like a total let down , worthless . Better off dead, I tried twice to hang my self while she was in my care. That was 4 years ago . She’s now 5 years old , and the life her grandmother and father are giving her , is more then I could ever imagen someone would do to make the situation on ur mental health and safety of both is just amazing and a blessing . I miss my child , there is not a moment or a day that goes by that I don’t think of her and I honestly get teary eyed and still at times I feel like a failure. I have been on Zoloft 150 for 4 years and I am also on Ativan , because the panic attacks are still very much there . I go see my daughter as often as I can . And I’m very great full for how my daughters life is turning out for her . I also am someone who got abused (from the earliest age of 6 that I can remember, till I was 16, when he finally passed. Daily basis ) and that really honestly plays a part in postpartum depression. Ptsd , anxiety, depression, any mental health issue really..Even with pills and counselor, psychiatrist and random things to attend where women have the same problem .. but in the end . It’s still very much there, it still very much rips my heart out .If u feel it..ask for help ! That doesn’t make anyone a bad mother . It’s not a fun thing to endure, and I was told to not have another kid because it could possibly get worse .. the child’s life and ur life is worth seeking that help .. you must bear down and tell the hurtful and harmful things u r thinking . The truth is better then taking a life . And you don’t know if u r gonna Wind up in those like her . The dark thoughts are horrible. And it’s not worth pushing urself to that point of try harder , just try harder . U end up emotionally physically and mentally drained and with sleep deprivation on top . It’s the perfect recipe for disaster.. don’t be afraid to ask for help , for someone to take on ur child. If u make that effort to see the child and be around as often as You can , and make sure u tell them u love them every single time u see them . Cuz in the end that’s still ur child , you and I shall always be available when you can finally have that healthy thinking you will thank yourself for seeking that help.. I’m not the same person I once was, postpartum depression, Post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder and sever anger issues have definitely changed me .. and there was no way I was gonna live a lie and risk everything or be labeled and jailed for a mistake . I’d rather be labeled as a woman who recognized what was wrong , and took action for the well being of my child and my self .. it doesn’t matter if ur family don’t understand. And do not and I mean do not push yourself because that’s what ur parents did so You should be able to do it .. no that’s putting off a serious issue . And I don’t care what any dr says . That postpartum depression don’t go away , once u got it u have it for life . I’m going on year 5 with meds and it’s still there , not fully gone , and it never will . Maternal depression.. that’s what it should be called after two years of having postpartum depression. It’s not a funny thing , and it is worse then suicide, depression. Theres two who feed off each other . baby’s and tots pick up on ur mental break downs . And that can cause them to be even more fussy then normal . And there’s no way I was letting her see her mothers mental health step in the way of life . Wasn’t happening . If you need help today! Don’t wait ! Please go get it ! As much as u don’t want to let go, sometimes that’s the healthiest thing for everyone . Doesn’t mean ur not gonna be around , just means ur fixing urself . And u recognized what’s up ! And that u should be proud of , but I’m gonna admit it’s hard to accept.
  • @lesflynn4455
    Thanks for covering the Jill Meagher case in Melbourne. It was a huge deal in Australia, and I'm glad the cops didn't fixate on her husband for too long. Bayley is an absolute monster. He had served jail for sexual assault more than once, in addition to his other violent crimes. The only good thing to arise from the case is that parole is dished out much more carefully in the State of Victoria.
  • I got post-partum depression after my first son. I've told my main obgyn, told a second obgyn, and a therapist but got little help. Even after almost ending my life, still got no help. Now I'm just living with daily.