Life in the UK vs Australia: Pros and Cons

These are some differences that we noticed from moving from the UK over to Australia! These are just a few of many things we noticed, if you'd like us to do more of these then let us know in the comments!


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コメント (21)
  • @bosse641
    Australia sure seems to be a better place to live for many reasons.
  • @FredPilcher
    I was recently in the UK - I was horrified at how expensive everything was!
  • @HenriHattar
    When fruit an vegies ARE in season in Australia, as your Brocolli example, you will pay less than HALF what it would cost you in the UK ..out of season BUY IT FROZEN and it will STILL be cheaper!
  • Interesting vlog… you have thought of lots of different aspects. Re ambulances.. the pricing & payment varies from state to state etc. .. all Qld residents are automatically covered Australia-wide by the Qld government.
  • So the best thing about the UK is that it's easier to leave?
  • @MauroRincon
    I spent 8 years in Australia and loved it. That said, while we generally pay more taxes in Europe, combining work and parenting is much easier in here as you get either free or heavily subsidized childcare. I had plenty of friends in the Australian middle class who could only put their kids under 6 in childcare part-time and/or a few days a week. So one of the parents usually ended up not working full time, lowering their wage and professional growth. You'll find more stay home mums there than here (nothing wrong with that, as long as you're not feeling forced to). Of course, past a certain salary threshold that problem goes away.
  • Fruit and veg is seasonal and the prices are inflated recently due to world events. Capsicums were usually around $2.99 per kilo pre-pack bag and tomatoes were usually also $2.99-$3.99 in season...sometimes cheaper. Mushrooms used to lower to around $6.00 per kg too and I personally bought some last shopping for $5.98kg. The key is don't always shop at the big supermarkets (Coles and Woolworths) for fresh produce and meats. They are okay for alot of the packaged foods but going to the smaller chains can be a big saver.
  • After visiting the UK last year I found the things I didn't like were; Parking was expensive, Using toilets costs money, VAT Tax, Fuel prices expensive, New car prices expensive, Wages low, Accommodation expensive, McDonalds crowded. (Loved the banana shakes though!) What I liked was, Food was cheaper by 20%, Public transport was amazing, Flights to Ireland/Europe short, affordable and convenient. In Australia you have hot days in summer, drop bears landing on your head the second you get off the plane, snakes everywhere just waiting to swallow you whole, and spiders as big as dinner plates landing on you the moment you go for a walk. Don't get me started on the 9ft boxing kangaroos that are usually seen in boxing gloves however if you can fight you should be OK.
  • @pia4432
    Ambulance is free in Queensland & varies from state to state. It’s never that much if you have a membership. For instance in Victoria it’s $49 (single) or $99 (families) p.a…..but you must have a membership otherwise you will be charged. There are quarterly payment options too. Hope this clarifies things😬
  • Talking about beer glass sizes, the first time I went to Broken Hill (where Mad Max was filmed) which is the start of the outback in western New South Wales, I noticed everyone drinking beer were using middy glasses. This is a size smaller than schooner glasses. My friend who who lived there explained that they drink from smaller glasses because it is so hot, your beer doesn’t get warm as quick as it would in a bigger glass.
  • Actually if you guys google it thier are only 2 states in Australia that ambulance is free. Queenland and Tasmania, I lived in NSW 6years ago paying my ambulance insurance but when we moved to Queensland we found out that ambulance is free my hubby experienced twice picked up by ambulance and never been charged. Australia got everything it just depends what states or areas you wanna live. Good luck on your journey cheers!
  • The beer measurments still confuse me and I have lived here for 13 years. But I agree schooners are the perfect size. You wouldnt want a warm beer😂
  • Ambos are free in Queensland and people love using it as a taxi service!
  • The prices of fruit and vegetables wildly fluctuate in Australia, at the moments blueberries are $8 a punnet but 3 months ago they were around $3 a punnet.
  • @bingo000
    Unfortunately if you shop at either Coles or Woolworths you're going to be a victim to Greedflation. Shop at Aldi or your local markets instead and you'll see a big difference in prices.
  • @HenriHattar
    Less than one Pound 20 P per kilo for brocolli when IN season.
  • @sliealwhufc
    In the UK, a flight into Europe is cheaper than airport parking or the train🫣