This Is The First Exercise PILL, And It’s Unbelievable

Published 2022-11-03
Would you take an exercise or weight loss pill if it meant you could get all the benefits without even moving?

TikTok: @AsapSCIENCE

Written by: Mitchell Moffit
Edited by: Luka Šarlija


All Comments (21)
  • @lucasprobably
    I'm disabled and chronically ill, and I can't exercise without permanently worsening my illness, so this kind of research would make a huge difference to me!
  • I have chronic excuses that keeps me from exercising. This would be life changing for me.
  • @samimabii963
    It's well used in the bodybuilding community. Usually sold under the SARM category even though it isn't a SARM. You can feel the endurance improvements right away. It honestly feels like magic. I stopped using it as it felt too good to be safe It's also known under the name "Cardarine". They stopped most research on it because of one incident where it's use indicated increased cancer growth in rats
  • This would literally change my life. I have chronic illness that makes exercise way more difficult for me. Lots of basic movements actually harm my body so a pill like this could be huge for me. I hope we get this out in the public soon enough
  • @khalilahd.
    I think this is great invention for people who are unable to workout however I hope this doesn’t become wide spread as a substitute for working out. That’s just going to breed a whole bunch of problems 😅
  • @try-athlete
    A pharmacist has entered the chat GW501516 is called cardarine (sometimes also called endurobol) it was developed sometime in the 90's by GSK but then dropped before it was brought to market. It's become fairly popular in the fitness industry in the last few years. One of the biggest benefits I've seen on paper and anecdotally is the increase in HDL (high-density lipoproteins) which are generally considered cardioprotective. I'll also mention that the doses of Cardarine that were given to mice that increased cancer risk were astronomically high and far above the minimum effective dose. That study was most likely establishing the maximum tolerated dose which is a very standard practice in drug development and design prior to human studies because you don't want to put a lot of money into developing a drug that is going to kill people and/or get you sued for causing cancer. This drug is no magic pill though and while it does seem to be very effective and the side effect profile very low it probably won't be brought to market for just those reasons. Treating chronic disease is a huge market and currently the money is in the treatment not the cure unfortunately. Couple that with the fact that at this point it is fairly easy to obtain cardarine online already any company that wanted to patent it or a similar version would probably not make much money. If you are interested in how Cardarine works Ryan Russo has a pretty in-depth analysis of it on his channel. I haven't heard of compound 14 before unless it goes by another name but the way it works sounds similar to glucose disposal agents which are also pretty widely available now. It also seems slightly similar to DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) which is a very toxic drug used to lose weight so hopefully that's not what it is.
  • Hey guys! I think I saw you two days ago in my city, Medellin, Colombia, and I was so surprised of seeing you here that I just got super nervous and couldn’t go and tell you how much I admire you! I hope if it was actually you that you enjoyed my city and had a great time. Hugs!!
  • These ideas are amazing, especially for people with various disabilities that make any form of exercise difficult.
  • That seems like a great thing to help people (and animals) who need this, however I really hope we don't mess it up.
  • I'm a former body building enthusiast and self proclaimed workout addict. A not-at-fault auto accident in 2010 left me disabled and in chronic intractable pain. I developed fibromyalgia and CFS. I DREAM of and still fight for a higher degree of mobility, not because I am able, but because I can actually FEEL my body dying from this sedentary lifestyle I've been forced to live. Night and day from who I was before. Depression, suicidal dips just trying to deal with so much pain and loss of enjoyment of life. Then add weight problems to the mix due to inactivity 🥺 that's where MANY chronic pain/chronic illness patients exist. Medicines like this would benefit our lives in ways we have only dreamt of! I hope they can roll out something affordable and attainable for those who need it most.
  • @DarthProlif
    I lift, and the major thing about lifting isnt the end game, its about the journey. I personally wouldnt take the pill, but its nice to see being an option for those who would need it. Cant expect someone over 400lbs to just start exercising without major obstacles
  • @shimasclan
    I would love it as a booster. The worst part of getting into shape again is getting the initial activity and fat burn going. I know once I've been at it for a month or two, it will be easier, but starting is rough. If I could loose weight quicker at the start, it would be a strong motivator.
  • @pasi123567
    I don't think you can imitate all the benefits exercising has by just taking certain pills, since the movement in itself I believe gives a lot of benefits. But if there will be a pill that can do some things that can be achieved with exercise for people who aren't able to, then certainly this could be a good alternative.
  • @MugiHatesYou
    This should straight up be reported for misinformation. Greatly exaggerated.
  • @Fastlan3
    Hell yeah, bring on the exercise pill! I have worked out most of my life and would enjoy continuing even with the pill. The pill would ensure the benefits are not as easily lost with age, as I have a multitude of conditions making exercise more difficult and less impactful as I get older. I am working more than ever so I have less time. I work long hours that is mostly sedentary. I try and diet well, but eating when and what I want isn't always an option... Also I love delicious foods 😋
  • @mhmgem4199
    I have always enjoyed your videos and vlogs; they are entertaining, but also educational. Thank you!😀
  • One minor correction, the "recommended 150min" is really the recommended minimum. There's strong evidence suggesting more than 150min is better, but 150min is sufficient to confer enough benefit. To say "recommended" can give the false impression that 150min is the optimal amount.
  • @gamesturbator
    You explain real science so efficiently and with such a great delivery, you absolutely amaze me. Do something with Scishow if you haven't already!