How I Updated the Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod

Published 2024-04-26


Ross Boekhoff




Kristján Orri


Jimmy More


Mr Bub

Thanks to all of you!



In this video, we enhance the creepiness and atmosphere of the Cave Dweller, as well as giving it new movement options and balancing changes in attempt to take away control from the player.

The files for the mod are still being reviewed by moderators on curseforge, but you can follow the mod here to see when they are approved:

The mod is for Forge 1.19.3, and requires Geckolib 4.0.4 or above.

All Comments (21)
  • @EmptyYEET
    Gotta respect Gargin for not even mentioning the dweller's worst enemy. The copy & paste button.
  • @pennali8854
    gargin did what no other modders could do and added climbing animations to his creation. hell yeah
  • @theishiopian68
    Its really nice that you don't fall back on the trope of making it unkillable. Its so much better if its really hard but not impossible to defeat. I would recommend not destroying shields though, and instead disabing them. Axes can already do this, and the code is very simple to implement. It would help make the mob feel more like it's part of the game, and prevent the player from losing their decorated banner shield... Assuming they can get away.
  • 6:52 Instantly break the shield? That's very overkill, the axe has a unique mechanic to disable shields for a time which would be more fair for the dweller to have
  • I still feel as though the dweller should start with a 0% chance to activate chase the first time you see it, increasing by something like 20% each encounter. It chasing you on the first encounter feels like wasted tension.
  • @MitchCyan
    If this was in the game I would never go underground again.
  • A breath of fresh air. I was so tired of people trying to make the "creepiest" monster, while neglecting its impact on the game itself and you as the player. You pull out some good elements that are very nice to take into account!
  • Here's a thought, when it's blocked off by the player after a case play the 'block breaking' sound. Nothing gets the heart pumping like seeing 'block breaking' in the subtitles.
  • @helencarter7594
    I think you should change the shield breaking to durability loss and shield stun
  • I love all these changes! I do think the Cave Dweller should instead shield stun rather than instantly break a shield, but other than that it's an awesome improvement!
  • @horrorreads5771
    The main problem I see with the dwellers is that its always constant unless you aren't in a cave, which makes it annoying to progress. It seems like its every five minutes you are getting attacked without a break in between all while there are normal mobs that will also attack. (maybe while the dweller is around, the surrounding area will have less mobs? Like its attacking them and giving the feeling that its after all living mobs then just the player?) I love the original dweller, even the reimagined version as well but it feels like it's too strong now, maybe instead of completely breaking the shield it causes a recharge like an ender pearl or when against a axe. Just my thought, still an amazing mod.
  • @lorddonqweetle
    hope the design gets an update, i dont like the cave dwellers glowing teeth and more detail in the texture, currently it just looks like someone's uncle larry fell into a pickle juice vat
  • @KermaHillway
    As much as I love this mod a big criticism I have is that the sound it makes when it chases you is wayyy too loud and consistent. Yes it can be scary the first time or if it catches you off guard but eventually it'll get stale. I'd be a lot more unerved and freak out if I'd simply hear the gross crawling patters of it's feet as it charges me quickly similarly to the spider. Take the Creeper as an example, it's completely silent until it kills you which is why I'd regard it as the scariest mob in Minecraft. You can also look at the Enderman for reference as everyone's first encounter with an Enderman has always scary. The Enderman makes a noise when it starts chasing you and then never again, simply making angry noises afterwards as it is in it's enraged state. I'd love to have a scenario with the Cave Dweller where I'd spot it and it would make a noise that would tell me that it is hunting me or just watch as it gets down on all fours and charges me almost silently until it's close enough to where I can hear it's feet on the ground. I like the mod otherwise. For sure one of the more unique mobs I've seen in Minecraft.
  • @3x4n.
    Would be nice if you weren't constantly attacked and could progress, like if the stalking phase was really long instead. It's a problem I see a lot of "dweller" mods have, you just instantly die and can't do anything. It would be cool if the beginning of the stalking phase was like a timer, if you don't get out of the cave and up to the surface in time it attacks.
  • @cacademon173
    I would make the Cave Dweller stun shields instead of breaking them. The only thing holding it back now is how it doesn't fit with Minecraft. It's in desperate need of a remodel
  • @kingofflames738
    Perhaps also change the spawn rate depending on where you are. Give Lush caves the lowest spawn chance, upper caves a medium spawn chance and deepslate caves the highest for example. Mineshafts increase the chance of the current area. And perhaps there could also be certain bubbles where the chance of it spawning is amplified an additional bit, essentially making it a Cave Dweller Territory. Might be marked by half broken blocks and a unique tunnel formation and mob spawn rates slowly shrinking the longer you're in it. Of course, the current spawn rate of the dweller would have to be lowered. This way you could never be too certain when it'll spawn. Are you in danger? Could he be hiding with you in the mineshaft right now or can you get away from it before the cave dweller starts hunting you? Is this lush cave truly save or am I actually in Cave Dweller territory and need to get out quick? It would greatly enhance the atmosphere.
  • @MagnusOpus_
    I feel that the main downside of the Dweller is simply its appearence. It's just a goofy lil guy, I think it'd be scarier to have some sort of twisted amalgam rather than a lanky smily boi
  • @cal.listo.
    This is definitely a big step up from the original! While the original did have its charms, the new version is absolutely much more terrifying. 11/10 this time, Gargin!