I Walked Around a Planet!

Publicado 2023-05-09

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • it actually makes me happy tha tyou CAN walk arounda planet. its weirdly validating that these are in fact actual planets.
  • @ninjacat0012
    I once walked 12 hours from one side of the planet to the other to see if it was possible. My destination was a random building that I found a map to. The planet I decided to walk around was SUPER mountainous and cold. I used so many ion charges to refuel my hazard protection and probably climbed over 100 mountains. It was a long journey and very rewarding! Congrats on making a 25 hour journey, I'm impressed at your dedication!
  • It must be a wild feeling flying around this planet after doing this and being able to see the path of terrain you took
  • @05yr1s
    in the wise words of cave johnson, “Science isn’t about why, it’s about WHY NOT!” this was a great video, you’ve earned a sub!
  • Wow, this video has completely changed my life! Now instead of spending my days walking around planets myself, I can waste all my time watching SOMEONE ELSE do it. Thank you so much for this wonderfully painful experience! Also, kudos on the commentary and editing. You, sir, are the bomb! 😀
  • Hello Games, an Indie company: You can walk around planets. Bethesda, a multi-billion dollar corporation: We can't do that.
  • @Fluxbile
    This video is the whole reason I now play No Mans Sky, now I know most planets are massive and you can go anywhere on any planet
  • @oddture
    So much stuff you can do in No Man’s Sky and you did what No Man has done before. My respects to you. Edit: Yes I am aware people have done this before, I was making a NMS pun LMAO. Can we just get an official Hello Games historical record of people who decided to walk around entire planets?
  • I'm surprised none of the other comments seem to have mentioned The Pilgrim Star yet? Back at launch a player walked around a planet. Hello Games (the developers of No Man's Sky) even memorialised the location in their Galactic Atlas website commemorating player discoveries.
  • @Kevlord22
    You walked around the planet... and where did that lead you? Back to me. Your ship probably
  • @rubhan94
    1:45 thanks! Didn’t know there were coordinates in the visor. Just started playing and felt the game really needed some system to know where on the planet you are.
  • @gamer-san8923
    Meanwhile, Starfield travellers are stuck on an invisible wall.
  • @thenojo3246
    Everythings been done before...but this man wanted the experience for himself and to share it. Respect
  • I do wish there was a little more variety once you land on the planet. Like it shouldn't be the same species in the entire area of planet. Maybe certain areas have a lot of trees, maybe there's a big ocean in the middle. I feel like the only time there's ever water is if it's a little pond or lake or if the entire planet is basically a water world with a few islands.
  • @Selfg12
    Not only does it make me happy that you're able to do this... But I also love that if you timelaps it, you can see the clouds moving and changing, growing and shrinking... And that's BEFORE the new update that just made clouds better.
  • That, WAs, Hilarious I have over 3500 hours in No Man Sky and I have never walked around a Planet and I am glad that you have done it for me in such an entertaining and condensed fashion. I will celebrate your accomplishment with a Fig Newton
  • @Zarniwooper
    Starfield [witty retort] [condescending comment about quality] [jokeful slander towards Todd]