What Will Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day

Published 2018-04-15
Walking is a totally free, easy exercise that requires little effort, and benefits not only your physical but also your mental well-being. If you’re looking for a simple yet very effective way of losing weight and improving your overall health, walking is something just for you.
People who are physically active throughout their life are much less prone to this disease than those who have a more sedentary lifestyle. And that’s because they have more volume in their hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for verbal memory and learning.
A daily half-hour walk helps avoid serious problems, like coronary heart disease to name one, by lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation. Because of better-quality and deeper breathing, some symptoms associated with lung disease can show significant improvement thanks to walking.
Muscle tone and weight loss is also totally achievable through simple walking. Find your optimal pace, but don’t break out into a jog. This sort of speed walking is low impact and doesn’t require any recovery time, which means no sore muscles to keep you from getting out and walking the next day.
The Arthritis Foundation recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate walking a day to reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints. Building strong bones will help you prevent osteoporosis and reduce bone loss. Walking contributes to better blood circulation within the spinal structures, pumping important nutrients into the soft tissues and improving posture and flexibility, both of which are vital for a healthy spine.
A group of researchers at Iowa State University worked with hundreds of college students. Walking changed their mood for the better, even though no one warned them it could do so.
If you still don’t feel motivated enough to start walking for your health, try joining a class or find a buddy who also wouldn’t mind getting all the benefits of walking. Another idea could be to hire a personal trainer.


Brain-boosting effect 0:45
Improved eyesight 1:44
Prevention of heart disease 2:47
Increased lung volume 3:14
Benefits for the pancreas 3:51
Improved digestion 4:23
Toned muscles 4:59
Sturdier bones and joints 5:45
Back pain relief 6:10
A calmer mind 7:04
Bonus: the FIT formula 8:00

-Walking prevents the early onset of dementia, reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and improves your overall mental well-being by reducing stress and releasing endorphins.
-Get on the road to improve vision and protect your eyes now from potential problems, such as glaucoma, in the future.
-Walking is no less effective than running when it comes to the prevention of heart disease and stroke.
-Walking is an aerobic exercise, which means that it increases oxygen flow in the bloodstream and helps eliminate toxins and waste, which is great for your lungs.
-Walking for exercise is a surprisingly more effective way to prevent diabetes than running is.
-Just half an hour of walking every day not only lowers the risk of developing colon cancer but also improves digestion and regulates bowel movements.
-Just 10,000 steps a day can be just as effective as a full-blown workout at the gym, especially if you add some intervals or uphill walking.
-Walking can provide more joint mobility, prevent the loss of bone density, and even reduce the risk of fractures.
-Walking is a real life-saver for those who experience back pain during more challenging high-impact exercises.
-Walking improves depression symptoms in patients with MDD, just imagine how easily it could help us cope with just feeling down or exhausted.
-Keep in mind the FIT formula. It stands for Frequency (how often), Intensity (how fast), and Time (for how long).

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All Comments (21)
  • I am 24 years old and currently over 18 stone. Last year my mental health hit rock bottom.. Last week I decided to ditch the antidepressants and get out walking on my own for 40-50 mins a day. Already I am feeling so much better and cried for the first time in years just at how much happier I am feeling (And possibly the side effects of not being on meds). I hope somebody reads this and makes the same decision I did- You can do it. Joe.
  • @aggrandize_
    1 A calmer mind 2 back pain relief 3 sturdier bones and joints 4 Toned muscles 5 improved digestion 6 benifits for pancrease 7 increased lung volume 8 Prevention of heart disease 9 improved eye-sight 10 brain boosting effect
  • Oh yes! Today I walked 5 miles in 1 hour and 15 minutes at 4.2 miles per hour. 61 years old. Been doing this since 2017. My Dad used to walk all the time. He passed away in 2017 at 88 years old. Every step I take is in his memory. Love you Dad.♥️
  • @vanities9484
    benefits of walking: 1. a calmer mind7:04 2. back pain relief6:10 3. sturdier bones & joints5:45 4. toned muscles4:59 5. improves digestion4:23 6. benefits for the pancreas3:51 7. increase lung volume3:14 8. prevention of heart disease2:47 9. improves eyesight1:44 10. brain boosting effect0:45
  • @bill5290
    I am 84 and had a heart attack 25 years ago. I walk 90 miles a month and it drives away depression. I am in better health than I have ever been. I have 60 BPM pulse, 119 chloresterol. My doctor calls me his hero. You just cannot be unhappy watching the sunrise and listening to Aretha Franklin R_E_S_P_E_C_T. I love life and surround myself with fun people.
  • When I retired at 60 years old I started walking at 3 miles a day. I am 90 years old and try to walk at least 1 mile a day. It’s not as much as previous but it’s better than nothing.
  • @dpockaj
    I quit smoking about 6 months ago and I didn’t know how to deal with the cravings, so I started walking. Now I walk about 1 hour everyday and I feel great. I don’t get tired easy, my mind is at ease and I don’t crave cigarettes anymore. I enjoy my walks more.
  • @Ms-Jones
    These comments are inspiring. I started walking last week and I feel better. These comments encourage me to continue
  • @joseespinosa619
    I was at 380lbs and over 57 BMI. I have severe osteoarthritis and literally no cartilage left in either knee. Im gone on a diet and am walking for 5 minutes at a time but I am walking 10 times a day for 5 minutes and am already feeling loads better. in less than 2 weeks I've lost 16 lbs and I feel like this could be finally be it for me. A better life here I come!
  • @br3ndaful
    I started walking 30 minutes a day since April and I lost 20 lbs in 4 months. I feel great!
  • It's been almost a year since I started walking 7k steps a day and can't reiterate much how much it has helped me to keep myself fit. Now without a walk, my body feels lethargic. I am going to continue this for years to come. Cheers!
  • @LiamHayne
    I've been walking about 15km a day for over a year now, it's honestly the best thing I've ever done. I always come back in a great mood from a walk even if I left feeling stressed and down. I can eat basically whatever I like and have a stable weight. I would highly recommend for anyone to fit as much walking into your day as you can, it's a game-changer 🙌
  • @eye4aneye39
    i been walking 4-5 miles almost everyday since june and i cut my calorie intake..ive lost 25lbs....im proud of myself... you can do it guys and girls
  • @joeknesz7449
    I walk 11,000 steps 6 days a week. Have for over 15 years. I’m 76 and in great health. Good Looking also 🤪🤪
  • @thomask.8537
    I've been walking for a year now, two miles a day most days (once in a while I take a day off). Much to my surprise, my medical results have been better. My othamologist tells me that the pressure on my optic nerve has receded so I won't need drops to avoid glaucoma, and my regular doctor informed me that my lung capacity has improved dramatically. I am now a believer!
  • Been walking 3-5 fives times per week for over 30 minutes each time for the last 5 years. I was 20 and now 25. I am a TOTALLY different person now, physically and mentally. Hard work always pays off.
  • @ScorpioLotus
    I've been walking 10,000 steps before 10am Monday-Friday, by the end of the day I am averaging 15,000-19,000 steps. My body has literally been transforming before my eyes each week!
  • @holycopy
    Im addicted to walking. I walk 1 hour everynight and i notice that i feel happier after. Everytime. Love thos routine. Especially after dinner.
  • @roessig2k
    my grandpa started walking 2 miles a day when he was 80. now he's 82 and we have no idea where he is