Suicide Squad: Typical Tuesday Clip

Made this what seems like a million years ago. Wanted to revisit it for a few reasons. One, got some recent positive comments on it. And two, a deeper reason was realizing that sometimes you have to look back at things you did and moments of fun and happiness doing what you love. When you are struggling upstairs, often times it robs you of your motivation, your creativity and drive. And while we need to keep pushing forward, it can help to look back and be reminded of the things that brought you that joy and reinvigorate the desire to experience it again with new works, new projects to get you back in that headspace. I want and need that.

Also would be remiss to not give props and shout outs to countless folk who worked on it, believed in the story, literally put their bodies on the line to make it happen (Chad getting legit knocked out on the take of the back body drop, AD taking a bat to the face, etc).

I look back on the project fondly, knowing there's PLENTY I could have done better and that I am better now, but the good stuff we did, man it was good.

Beyond ready to be back on sets....mine and helping out on others to make more good stuff happen.

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