The Power of Eucharistic Adoration - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Friends, we come to the great Feast of Corpus Christi—the Body and Blood of Christ. This year, as the Church in the US is going through a lengthy Eucharistic Revival, it’s good for us once again to turn to this greatest of sacraments. What I want to do today is to talk about a spiritual practice that has become very dear to me in the course of my life—and that is Eucharistic Adoration.

Mass Readings:
Reading 1 - Ex 24:3-8
Psalm - Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18
Reading 2 - Heb 9:11-15
Gospel - Mk 14:12-16, 22-26


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コメント (21)
  • @galaxxy09
    God bless anyone who hears this and is going though a hard time.
  • "Adoration is staying close to the Fire ... Some of the greatest Saints have stayed close to that fire holding off the cold, holding off the darkness, holding off the dangers." - Bishop Robert Barron
  • @BlanketLamb
    Eucharist Adoration brought me from being passive with my faith to actually taking it more seriously and deepening my relationship with Christ.
  • @kevinelevenn
    When I went to college, I had formed this habit of going to mass everyday because of inner darkness and suffering that made me close to the eucharistic Jesus. Every afternoon after class I went to the adoration chapel talking to the Lord about everything. And then one day I had felt an inner sense of longing for Jesus so immense but cannot satisfy since there will be no masses throughout that day so I went to the adoration chapel and I was alone. Then out of sudden as my eyes fix to the Blessed host my body was like immerse in great ecstacy so great in degree. Then my body was like very light as if I dont feel any gravity while my eyes still fix to the Blessed Lord. A great unfathomable love penetrating in evey part of my cell of my being that I cannot contain it as if Im going to faint. All my troubles were gone in such an undescribable peace as if my great troubles were like just a small droplet in an ocean of serenity. I have felt a glory so unknown. Even a billions of beautiful words is not so sufficient to describe it. Then I beg the Lord in internal prayer to let me out of it because i cannot contain it or else i will die. I just cant say it all of everything that had happened.
  • My Mother was Protestant. My father was a fallen away Catholic. Mother sent me to Catholic school with the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart, because she believed that they would give a good education. They did more than that! I watched their great devotion to the Eucharist. During the consecration the nuns and students heads were bowed, mine was not. I wanted to look at Him because I knew He was there. I could sense His presence. It was a great grace to be in His presence and to know it. This grace has sustained me over the years, in fact I don't know what I would do without it.
  • When I was in Rehabilitation at a very secular nursing home, my daughter came to visit me. I told her that I missed being at Eucharistic Adoration. She said that I could find Adoration, even on my phone! And she helped me with my phone bill so that I could recover from my pacemaker and knee replacement surgeries and still frequently pray. I was so grateful that she would do that to help me in my recovery. I have 3 children -- Jessica, Amanda, and James. They all helped me to recover and keep going. I asked Venerable Fulton Sheen and Padre Pio for intercession. It must have worked for His greater good, because, even though I'm permanently disabled and I still have to have surgery for a new pacemaker and monitor, I am in the working disabled position of life. That's Grace. Thanks, Bishop Barron.
  • Thank you for this Bishop Barron. Eucharistic Adoration has changed my life and continues to do so every day.
  • Thank you God for giving us the Eucharist the ultimate summit of our sacramental living. All Catholics we are so blessed to have the Eucharist let us support the Eucharistic revival now taking place in the US. God Bless All in Christ
  • @hotwings3
    Being a convert, the Eucharist was probably one of the hardest things but then, one of the easiest. I didn’t become catholic until in my 50s. Sometimes, I can be sad that I didn’t know before but most of the time now, I’m so thankful to know and I don’t know if I would’ve had this much adoration for Jesus. Maybe, if it was always part of my life, it would’ve become mundane. So incredibly thankful for the Catholic faith. God Bless
  • @leez4098
    Thank you Bishop. After a long time of trying for another child and a series of miscarriages and the doctors giving up on me, we discovered i was pregnant at 12 weeks. Just before that I had discovered a Dominican Convent that had Perpetual Adoration, thanks to my very prayerful friend. I went once and i felt a certain peace that i had not known for years. I would go almost everyday and just sit and pray for around 2 hours. I was just drawn to Jesus. After about 2 months, i would get there, sit and because of the peace i would feel so sleepy, try to fight it and then eventually just give in. I would lie on the bench. The kind holy nuns (most of them in their 80s and 90s) there assured me it was okay and they would take turns to cover me with a blanket or get me water to drink. I would go into such deep restful sleep. I totally believe thats when I was completely healed and went from someone whose doctors had written off to carrying and delivering a healthy bouncy baby girl with no single complication. I love you Jesus, I adore you. and I praise you🙏🏾🙏🏾.
  • @FrankRios2b
    The Eucharist baby, it's everything!!! I might be the worst Christian in America but The Eucharist is the reason I'm Catholic. I sleep with Him like Samuel. I put live Eucharistic Adoration on my iPad when I go to sleep. That way I sleep with the light of the Lord on me. I've been doing it for a few years since the lockdown and they put live Adoration on YouTube. I won't say It's my nightlight because I'm not afraid of the dark but I'm so used to sleeping with Him it's hard for me to sleep without Him there. My relationship with our Lord is not the best but we talk constantly. I go to Adoration about 4 to 5 times a week to be straight up in His presence. I'm with Him so much I don't know when He's not there. You would think being that close to Him I would know how to behave. What can I say I don't know how to act. That being said I encourage everyone to invite Him into your bedroom and have Him watch over you while you sleep. Plus it makes it easy to start your day with prayer when you wake up with Him right there. I would probably be a hell of a lot worse if He wasn't there.
  • Eucharist Adoration is going to spent time with God, who is a friend filled with love for us, sinners
  • @BellaDevout
    "... like a dog at the master’s door, ready in case he called me." Thank you for this! I'm a new Catholic and I feel like I'm not doing enough for the Church. I just need to remain ready for when the Lord calls me to serve however I can.
  • @idahoron43
    Eucharistic Adoration is one of my favorite all time activities. I started years ago and will continue as long as I physically can.
  • @eileen1820
    Eucharistic Adoration is what I recommend to those who aren't Catholic or removed from their Faith. It's transcendent for sure.
  • @fennycruz6714
    Life changing. Thank you Bishop Barron for this wonderful reminder of the adoration of the Holy Eucharist... to Stay close in the Fire. GOD bless Bishop Barron and the Word On Fire.
  • Having had a profound conversion experience witnessing miraculous events with the Eucharistic Adoration and multiple encounters with our Blessed Mother to include what mystics and seers described as an illumination of conscience 16 years ago on a pilgrimage, I can affirm that it will be a joyful moment seeing Jesus on the Cross with rays of white and red lights emitting from His Hearts when God grants that vision to the world as a last act of God's infinite mercy for those close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Repent and return to God for those far away living in moral sins because it will be a shock and awe moment. Our world is slipping into darkness with moral confusion. Pray for the conversion of hearts to know and respect God's natural law on marriage and family- the sanctity of life and the sacredness of marriage. God bless!
  • I confirm everything what Bishop Barron said. Eucharistic adoration is transforming me and my behavior to others in a way I would never possibly imagine.
  • @mapinoita279
    I sometimes wish I could just lay down in the pew in front of the tabernacle and sleep in total peace. I’ve even prayed that when He’s ready to take me home that He’d let it be right there in front of the tabernacle. I can’t imagine a more happy way to go.