Home - Day 30 - Journey | 30 Days of Yoga

Published 2020-01-30
Today’s theme is what it is all about. The Journey on home. One that is unique to all of us.
For this practice, it is a Day 30 tradition for me to take the microphone off. Can you trust me? Can you trust yourself?

You are going to use the vocabulary that we have learned together thus far to choreograph your home practice and to create your experience today. You have the tools. You always have had everything you need to uncover and to reveal what matters most.

This is such a beautiful day because, for me, it really does embody the spirit of Yoga With Adriene and this exchange that you are participating in.

It is this essence, or spirit, that says, “Hey, I am taking care of myself in my little corner of the world, but also…I am right here with you. I got you.”

Try to keep an open mind, please move slowly, and as always, prioritize your breath. Use me as a reference or a guide. You have everything you need. Trust it. Trust it all.

It has been my truest honor and pleasure to accompany you on this journey. Thank you for allowing me to guide you and thank you for welcoming me into your HOME.

Please remember that in every end - is a beautiful new beginning.

I honor you today.

Let me know how it goes for you and where you are practicing from in the comment section down below.

#ywahome #30DaysofYoga #freeyoga

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🤎 HOME - Downloadable Collection 🤎
Based on requests from the community, we are excited to announce a downloadable version of HOME. It is offered on a donation basis, so just pay what feels good!

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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yoursel

All Comments (21)
  • @yogawithadriene
    We did it. May you be open to receiving the love and heartfelt admiration I send to you. It is truly my greatest honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to ask questions, create opportunity, and to guide this yoga practice. Thank you. Thank you for saying yes. Your willingness, your commitment, and follow through serves as such an inspiration for me. And, because I truly believe in the power of yoga, I am so hopeful. May the connection that we created be blessed enough to carry on past today. May the feeling of HOME reside with you and your breath, daily. May you always remember and feel that you are not alone, this community, myself, even a chilled out cattle dog in Austin, TX will be here for you - whenever you may need, wherever you are. May you know and feel that you are all the love that you desire and deserve. After the 30 Day Journey there is an opportunity to keep going. You can join in on my monthly free calendars, which release each month with a new theme. This is a great way to continue the journey or to take things to the next wave. You can take on the whole month, or drop in whenever feels good. Get your free yoga calendar page via my website! If you have not already subscribed to the YouTube channel, please take a moment to do so! This way you won’t miss a thing! Also, this small click of a button is a huge gesture of support for this channel and free yoga for all. I also invite you to join us on the Find What Feels Good membership platform and app. Here we go deeper and share practices that embody this mantra both on and off the mat. You will find custom series for beginners to advanced, as well as tutorials from my kitchen, recaps of tour life, live classes, guest teachers, and other behind the scenes goodies - such as The Making Of Home. Let’s keep going. Here, grab my hand. Love, Me
  • @kbryant625
    While you were silent, in my head during the practice was you: "Halfway lift, your version" "The lost warrior one!" "If you fall we'll catch you" "Step it back to plank, don't panic" "Deepen the breath" "Relax your forehead" "You got this" "Find what feels good" Thank you Adriene for all that you are and all that you have given us.
  • @DreamsOfFinland
    Benjie was checking in to make sure Adrienne was ok. I made it 30 days, 71 years old with Alzheimer's. Thank you for doing this for us. I wept at the end.
  • who else was tearing up towards the end? just me? okay. lol im proud of myself and all of you for making it to day 30! celebrate 🎉
  • @reptilistica
    I won't lie, this entire yoga journey took me more than 30 days to finish. With my depression hitting me hard and the pandemic still at play, there were some dark days that I didn't feel like getting out of bed. But I am happy to say that even though it took me more like 60 days than 30 days to complete, I'm glad I finished this. It takes me a long time to finish things but when they are done I feel proud of myself and here I felt that. Thank you Adriene for creating this, I look forward to continuing your 30 day yoga series :)
  • @MichiMiraculous
    Started and finished "Home" during Quarantine. Is there a better time to journey home? I genuinely enjoyed all of it and felt like I gave myself and my yoga practice so much love and energy. Also got totally emotional at the end with tears of joy, pride, fulness. Thanks so much Adriene!
  • @hyung7ine
    my day 29 was on 20th of may 2022... finally i got to come home and finish the end of HOME yoga practice today, 22nd of september 2023. thank you so much adriene for always being here, being a home i could come back to.
  • @aubreylewis8910
    I am CRYING right now!!! I did it!! I finished one!!! And on the same day I am 2 months sober from Alcohol!! Whata day!!! Thank you Adriene! You truly are such a joy! Love you so much!!!🧘‍♀️💪🌱🪬🙌
  • @samanthatyler88
    Anyone else have a little cry at the end of this? It kind of felt like the end of something. I know it kind of is, and kind of isn’t. What a journey. As a newbie this has opened me up, literally, physically, mentally. Adriene, it always feels as if you’re talking to me directly and that I am your friend, and I’m so grateful because I don’t have a lot of those. I’m a bit stretchier, a bit more flexible and I breathe a lot more than I used to! Thank you! Onto the next adventure... 🙏🧘‍♀️✨
  • @920917
    To everyone who's made it this far, you're my heroes. To those of you who, like me, are finishing this on February 5th, you're amazing. To those of you who will come to finish this at any point in the future, you're all awesome. Home is not a place where you come to hang your hat at the end of each day, but it's the version of you who is ready to receive all that which is good in life, and the bad. Adrienne has hit it on the spot by showing us that home is a journey, and I know that I speak for all of us when I say thank you, Adrienne, for inspiring and challenging us to become better versions of ourselves. To continue to journey home. Don't let the journey stop here, for every new breath is a new beginning, and it's up to you to decide what it'll bring. So to all of you, welcome home. Namaste 🤙
  • @Femkeevdbr
    Just a comment for myself. I completed the "home"-journey, after doing "Breath" in january. The last day in january was not good for me. I didn't know what to do, tried to follow Adriene and that didn't work for me. So now I let everything go (not knowing what I was going to do for 40 minutes, being distracted, not being able to focus for so long, ..) and I did it. I felt very emotional in the end and I feel proud of myself. Lots of love in, lots of love out.
  • @natttyweed
    I can’t believe I managed to do a yoga practise alone! I felt so at peace with my own breath. It was so humbling to look up from my mat to see we were in the same pose on a few occasions. Thank you Adriene for all your guidance and wisdom over this past month. Namaste 🙏🏼
  • @ajmonkeyflash
    That felt like an exam at school that I wasn’t prepared for : - )
  • And I could here your voice saying ... "Your version..." "Ground through all corners of your feet...." "Lots of love in, lots of love out...." "Namaste" There's a tinge of sadness and finality in not hearing your voice and at the same time a deep honouring in that silence. So much love for you Adriene, so much gratitude for your generosity creating this. I get how much you love and care for us all. This has been my 4th 30 day yoga challenge and my favourite. I found you after breaking my wrist 4 years ago, googled 'yoga for broken wrists' and there you were. Deep bow to you gorgeous soul. Namaste <3
  • @Michelle-wr8bj
    So I started this in January, and never finished. And this month in December I decided to finish it. Today was the last day, and it’s almost as if I was always meant to end this year with this series. About 10 min in, the weight of this year and the gratitude for making it through this year all hit me, and I just sat on my mat and started bawling. I said all the things I was grateful for, set new year intentions, and sent love & light to everyone that suffered this year. It was a magical experience, and I wouldn’t have felt this weight lifted off my shoulders had it not been for this channel. I smiled the rest of the way through. Thank you so much Adriene! You are an angel! 🤍🧘🏻‍♀️
  • @neefy7896
    Dear Adriene. I really do hope you read this. Today marked the end of my HOME journey and as someone who completed your 30 Day Yoga challenge a couple months ago the humbling realisation, that the last day may be another freestyle type Yoga session, all flooded back to me. The passing of the baton, passing of the torch and gift of total trust was given to me once again today. Despite having the thought in the back of my mind that "oh this gonna be another freeestyle video," the wave of sadness and gratitude was still overwhelming. I always get too used to and too comfortable with having you there to guide me, that I feel sad when it's time to say goodbye. But this time I make a promise to make sure this isn't a goodbye. It's simply a 'see you next time.' Because this time round you aided me to find a deeper love, appreciation and serenity that I thought I had found during the last Yoga journey. Am I still going to miss the idea of it being a 30 day journey/challenge? Absolutely. However, this time the ending feels different. I don't feel like a complete novice anymore. I feel more complete. And I feel like Yoga is not just a challenge or goal for me to reach. You have helped make Yoga my lifestyle:) I did this challenge alongside the Insanity workout and I am on day 30 of 63 for that workout as I type this comment. This challenge has helped my cardio performance so much that I wish I could thank you eternally. Since I do have another 30 days left of Insanity, I very may well just restart this HOME workout since I have a hard time letting people go haha. Or I may do other random forms of Yoga per day until I reach the end. But the bottomline is - I can't go. I appreciate you too greatly! And now I love Yoga too much. Thank you and see you next time!
  • Did anyone else cry through this practice? The heart, mind, body lessons flowed along with the tears. Thank you, Adriene, for this wonderful experience. I truly believe you are helping to change our world, one home at a time. Love and hugs to all!
  • @miraggg
    wow, never thought "Home" would have this meaning... but this is a great series to do when in self-quarantine
  • @luciacecilia
    So, who else took the whole year but still made it?
  • @neffsnicker
    Well, it legit took me 365 days, but I did it! When I started, I could plunk my son down on the floor next to me and he would crawl around a little while I did yoga. Then he figured out how to crawl faster... and then walk and talk and say “yoga! No!” Which is why I finished Home at 9pm on New Year’s Eve. Cheers to everyone else who took the long road home!