The God Machine - Purity

2008-07-24に共有 - Purity from the album Scenes from the second storey

コメント (20)
  • @Xombigod
    I once wrote the entire lyrics down in pen and paper, and posted them through a random shop door on my way to the local pub. 10 years later I married the girl who actually worked there at that time. 28 years later we're still happily married.
  • This band are still my very favourites ever. I spent my whole youth listening to Scenes....That album. Astonishing
  • I was lucky enough to see them live twice, still my favourite band
  • Solo chi li ha vissuto in quegli anni può capire cosa abbiamo perso. Serate intere in macchina ad ascoltare questo monumento alla musica grazie grazie per essere esistiti per sempre nel mio cuore
  • Oggi 28/06/2022 ho riascoltato l'intero Scenes from the second storey dopo tanto tempo. E dopo ben 29 anni sono stato assalito da una ondata di emozioni talmente forti, e non mi vergogno a dirlo, ho pianto come un bambino!! Grandi God Machine!!
  • I saw them in 1993 at the first Phoenix festival. It was amazing. And yes, I cried.
  • 2024 che è ancora qui? Sono passati 30 anni da quando ho scoperto questa Band. E ancora mantengo un'unicità che pochissimi gruppi sono capaci. Mi rende felice leggere commenti di persone che hanno avuto la fortuna (come me )di conoscere questo gruppo immortale
  • This song is one of the most beautiful songs ever written, it's weight is tremendous.
  • @Hakon275
    It´s the same all over....It´s the same all over...It´s the same all over... That part just kills me Brilliant band
  • One of my friends introduced me to this album in the 90s and I'm Still rocking to this day. Thanks basis from wolves live here
  • Music like this will be a "once in a lifetime" experience for us that hear/heard it. I do not believe that stuff like this will ever be written again - in our lifetime. It's just too good. Demonic and beauty on the same page. This song really is PURITY to me.......
  • This album changed my life. It's still in my heart decades later. So powerful, austere in beauty and painfully and brutally honest and broken. What a truly singular piece of art this album was....
  • @G274Me
    If I show you the truth Will you show me the beauty If I show you the pain Will you show me the purity If I show you the scars Will you show me yours It's the same all over It's the same all over You were never there You were never there
  • @wollanooo
    first time I listened to this I was in my twenties, lots of free time. Pop this in the CD player, this whole raw world in front of me, Ego, Out, then... Purity. Laying on the carpet, playing it again and again and again. And yeah, it did feel like I only knew this awesome music back then in my shitty little town
  • Walked into a small club show in Cleveland, maybe 1992, just because that was my favorite music club and stumbled across this band. Still one of my go-to bands when I want to chill, trip or just jam.
  • @ShuggsSte
    This is my all time favorite song and album.
  • Their Soloalbum Scenes from the second story is my allltime favourie after all these years . Saw them life on this tour and it was amazing . This is a masterpiece that no record will ever reach