How POWERFUL would you be if you had THIS understanding of PAIN?

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Rabbi Simon Jacobson is a pioneering speaker, educator and mentor to thousands. He is the Dean and Founder of The Meaningful Life Center, coined "The Spiritual Starbucks" by the New York Times, which bridges the secular and the spiritual. He is the author of the best-selling book Toward a Meaningful Life (💎…) which has sold over 500,000 copies and been translated into 13 different languages. With his keen insight into the human condition, and over 35 years of experience, he has the unique ability to offer clarity and direction especially in difficult times.

Rabbi Jacobson and the MLC have been lauded for creating non-stop programming nourishing people's hearts and souls. Please donate or sponsor a class, to help us continue and expand this life-affirming work 💓

#MeaningfulLifeCenter #AppliedKabbalah

コメント (21)
  • Brother..I am born into a Muslim family and you make more sense than anyone I have come across.
  • I have been dealing with extreme PTSD and depression for over 2 years. Some of the information you gave may shed light on how I can possibly heal. I have suffered extremely.
  • I had a conversation with my father one day in the 60's. I told him there could be no good without the bad. I told him you can't have pleasure without pain. He didn't buy it. I was only 16 and he was over 50. Not sure he ever understood my reasoning. Just not sure. He had some crafty attributes but I think I got my logical mind from my mother. A dichotomy from mother to son. She got me all kinds of stuff I don't think he quite understood. Then he died at 56, and I thought that was really old. I am now 75 and know how young that really is.
  • It hurts, but it gets better. As children we need to know that. Go for delayed gratification. Develop discipline.
  • 39 with trigenimo neuragia,I learn to hide the pain,so my family don't soffer with me,Im strongger than 40 years ago,Im 71 now,God is good,and He loves us all
  • This is one wise Jew!...great communicator...just found him online about 6 weeks ago...this video ranks among the most applicable yet..Keep it up Rabbi
  • I grew up catholic, live in a very Scottish area, never spent any time thinking about Judaism even though I’ve always been interested in theology and since discovering you I feel very silly for thinking Jewish wisdom would be irrelevant. Thank you, rabbi, keep up the amazing videos
  • I've grown to learn that I pray better when I'm in pain. I want the Lord to grant me the pain as long as I need it to learn what I need to learn.
  • @nannesoar
    7:30 that was me from 18-23 I have scoliosis and used to be homeless and drank a fifth of vodka a day for pain🤯 I'm sober now and have no desire to drink Praise God
  • Thank you again! Another AMAZING video, that reaches down into my soul and reaches my heart ❤ You don’t have to be Jewish to receive his messages. His advice and teachings are amazing and benefit all of us. Thank you so much for uploading this video.
  • Sholem, I am a Muslim, and I believe all Rabbis are my mentors because their teachings have changed my life. May Hashem bless you all
  • 15:33 The Gematria is one of my favorite topics. Toda rabbi Jacobson, for another great lesson.
  • I have learnt, recognizing different emotions as they happen, and then look inwards to the spirit and it becomes a process that is a human action and it passes easier and has less impact now, the trick is maintaining the presence of spirit in the present moment. Thank you Rabbi you are transforming my being to where i once was, i cannot put words to explain, i will when i am fully reunited, blessings and love
  • When the goal and desire are strong enough, many pains of the body and mind can be suspended. Knowing the higher source for this and being aware from where this comes is the gem from above.
  • Everything we feel starts in our brain. Everything It is the physical pain my brain has a hard time with. If my brain is seeking a way to lower pain I am experiencing it doesn't have time to think about anything else. Then when you get it down your brain is playing catch up with what you didn't get accomplished. So pleasure is put on the back burner. I can spend hours in prayer so I don't feel the pain yet once I am done praying the pain is still there and the cycle starts all over again.
  • The wisdom you speak blows my mind. I hated going to Catholic Church after I started thinking for myself which was really young because I got absolutely nothing out of it. I had to sit there and listen to allegory and interpretive things so I just didn’t get it. I noticed quick nobody follows the Ten Commandments. This would’ve been so much more nourishing.
  • @cs6113
    Take away ... "living up to your potential". Thank you Rabbi Simon Jacobson.
  • Everyone has their own problems and difficulties in life. Even the rich and famous. Although we mostly and often see them only when they enjoy them selves. So in our ignorance and superficiality we judge them, like they are living their lives only in pleasures. And we end up envy them and resent them, wanting what they have. Wile at same time we feel pride in their success and we worship them. And when problems accumulate, we blame those same people who we worshiped. Never asking our selves, what is our role in that and how much. But that often is not the case only with rich and famous, we often treat that same way our neighbors and even relatives. We all do it. Before i realized my negativity in me, i use to swear a God for every pain or trouble i have experienced. How did I deal with my negativity in myself? By realizing that my evil does no more harm to anyone else than to myself. The more bad i would think of about someone, i realized that a lot more, i`l repeat A LOT MORE, i was doing to my self. And not only to my self, but also to those around me about whom i care and love the most. That my revenge, even if i would fulfilled my bad desires, would not only do most of damage to me, but would increased evil in general. That not only i but everyone, would lose on multiple fronts. I realized that no matter how much pain or bad i would feel and experienced. I need to withstand, endure, cope with it. And even resist and overcome my own negative desires. Because one day, all that will be gone. That there is a reason for everything and that this life is a school. Not only to endure it, but grow, develop and strive in positive direction. If the pressure is too strong, it is up to me to retreat, to find a way to proceed in a different way. That some fires can not be extinguished with bare hands. To welcome one own fears, pains and sufferings. Not in a sense to desire it, but to understand and overcome it. Not even to eradicate them, but learn to live with it. To even look at death it self in a different light. That as much life is a blessing from a God, death also is a blessing. Remember Freddie Mercury lyrics: "Who wants to live for ever"? I know how much it is risky to say this, to those who still do not understand in a healthy way what is said here. Because how subtle and profound is giving trust to God. For materialistic minds. To find meaning in life, as well in death. To understand the faith in resurrection. To have healthy approach, to what is a paradox for pure materialism. Without going in to the opposite, starting to think that killing is good. To learn the balance. To understand the words: “Why are you looking for the living One among the dead?" Or the words: “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” God bless you.
  • Cleansing of mind heart and soul in this class! Should be heard everyday! Rabbi Jacobson the ultimate teacher!