How to Stop Compulsive Lying

There are many reasons why someone might compulsively lie, and if you are watching this then you may be someone who is sick of compulsively lying. In this video I talk more about the reasons why people lie, and I'll share 7 tips you can use to start being more honest.

All references and sources can be found on the original article here:

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++ Video highlights ++
00:00 Introduction to How to Stop Compulsive Lying
00:13 "I'm a compulsive liar!" A case study
01:15 Do you lie?
02:24 What causes compulsive lying? Why do we lie?
04:02 Tip 1. Be true to yourself
04:55 Tip 2. Remember the truth is often easier
05:28 Tip 3. Know what lying is
06:16 Tip 4. Stop compulsive lying to protect your reputation
07:18 Tip 5. Stop compulsive lying one step at a time
08:16 Tip 6. Stop compulsive lying by meeting your emotional needs honestly
09:28 Tip 7. Use self-hypnosis to stop compulsive lying

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コメント (21)
  • i'm mostly an honest person, but out of nowhere i will make up crazy intense lies. i don't know why, i hate it. i always take it too far with the lie too. i don't even understand why
  • The fact that you guys came to watch this is a first step to improvement in itself!! Good luck everyone 👍
  • @-A-c
    For me, my constant lying came from a place of caring too much about the opinions of others. Other bad habits like people pleasing seemed to go hand in hand with the lying as I simply could not see myself as "worthy" or "enough." Regularly forgiving myself rather than being hard on myself when I fall short seems to give me that foundation of self esteem. Slowly I am improving each day by trying to increase my awareness of anticipating a lie. Sometimes im successful, other times not so much. But I keep a record of most incidents and I am happy to report the trend is going towards less and less lying. So for all my fellow recovering compulsive liars out there who don't know how to begin the process of changing your behaviour.... Forgive Yourself.
  • I'm a compulsive liar and I do it to get attention. I hate myself and I can't stop 😔😔😔😔😔
  • I wanted to change my memories. I couldn't do it for myself so I'd try and change it for others memories of me.
  • My entire life I thought I was the only person who felt this way. This comments section makes me feel seen. I don’t know why I lie, it started because my parents would ask if I got homework done and I’d say “Oh yeah, of course.” even when I hadn’t done a single bit. Then it turned into a huge problem and I began telling all of these intricate stories I made up in my head in order to feel special and I couldn’t stop. It’s hurt my relationships and made me feel absolutely horrible. I don’t want to be like this- but I’m glad I’m not alone in my struggle.
  • @chae1461
    Just reading through the comments makes me cry. I’ve never met or encountered anyone who is a compulsive liar. I had never felt more alone until now.
  • I can't stop it. I have intricate stories about friends and family that don't exist and boyfriends I've had that didn't exist and pets and experiences. I don't even know why I do it, I hate it so much.
  • I grew up lying because I was afraid of what others would think of me. —Edit;; One year later, I'm progressing and improving myself slowly and slowly, It was never easy and it was difficult, Every experience is, I hope you all take care and be safe. You'll go through this
  • @lilyk9213
    I really hate myself sometimes when I lie. I know it's wrong, and yet I can't stop. I know it's bad, and yet I can't do anything. I want to stop. I really do.
  • I lie because I wanted to be considered interesting, maybe I’m insecure about things I haven’t accomplished. I also used to Believe you’d have to go through hell in order to be great but that evidently isn’t true
  • I am a compulsive liar. I have lost my relationship and I have lost respect from others due to my constant lying. My ex has publicly exposed my many lies and cheating. She just told me to never speak to her again. It hurts to know that she is absolutely right in doing so. How could I have lied to the person I was supposed to love the most? I am starting my honest journey to break this habit, be honest with myself and others, and free myself of this vicious trap that has cost me everything at once.
  • My father used to yell at me till I cried as a child, and upon deep reflection, I think I lie to avoid conflict because of my previous experiences with it
  • Never realized that lying is a form of theft, so true.
  • I’ve never felt so comforted reading comments in my life. I have lied ever since I can remember- I didn’t know why I did it, but after some therapy I now know that it came from self preservation from my alcoholic mother. I never knew what kind of mood she would be in, so I’d lie to protect myself. It then became a habit, a very very bad habit that I am still struggling to break. I am hoping that I can save my relationship with my boyfriend as I have hurt him so badly over the years. I don’t deserve his forgiveness really, as he has put up with so much but I can pray. Thank you all for commenting here, it has really made me feel far less alone.
  • @hd0066
    I’ve wrapped myself so far in lies that I believe them sometimes and I make up memories in my head that I think are real- I’d say things to sound cooler or more interesting- just because I don’t think I’m good enough, I love attention so I end up lying about something for attention but I end up hurting people but if I come out as lying about stuff no one will ever trust me not even the one I love, I don’t want To unwrap the lies so I’m considering just slowly muttering them out Into the gutter-
  • I'm a compulsive liar, and I am aware of it. However, everytime I say something true my brain tries to convince myself it's not true. So now I can't tell what's true and what's not because I can't remember. I've lost so many friends and it's so lonely. I feel like shit but I want to be better. I want people to believe that, and I want my friends back because I hate abandonment.
  • I use to lie about a lot of thing and I think I started to belive them. After some time though I found out how toxic I am and I started to feel People were seeing through me. So I changed. I still tell a little lie here and there but now the big ones are no more. I still look up these videos to help keep me on track.
  • I’m just realizing this at 24. My childhood was very chaotic.. I lie to do people pleasing and to hide my feelings. I never noticed it until I got on meds for my anxiety. Which probably explains why I lie I’m anxious of what others think about me the people pleasing and fear of them hating me after I tell the truth.