I Investigated the City Where You Legally Must Own a Gun...

Published 2023-06-21

All Comments (21)
  • @TylerOliveira
    What do y’all think of guns? Also, new vid next week. Subscrib and smash like. Love you guys <3
  • @bradythagoatt
    mike is an example of what a RESPONSIBLE gun owner looks like
  • @smithynoir9980
    Now THIS is reporting and journalism. Not once did Tyler inject his own views or opinions into the video or onto the people he was talking to, nor is he looking to argue. He's asking questions and letting people speak and be heard. We need more of this and far, far less "news" hosts telling us what to think and how to feel.
  • @jessesnyder4566
    I genuinely appreciate how willing Tyler is listen and learn something. This content is refreshing and unbiased.
  • @buckculler108
    You honestly didn’t shoot pistol that bad for a first timer. Kudos to you. Those cops wanted to bust out laughing but kept it professional.
  • @astrobuck7023
    Mike did make a very valid point. Very few people know that AR just stands for Armalite.
  • @tylera.2869
    I used to be anti gun. Met a guy that ended up being my best friend. He was a "gun nut". We had several debates over the issue. He eventually convinced me to go shoot with him. I got scolded so many times for poor gun etiquette. It was embarrassing & made me never want to go with him again. In time I realized that I only got scolded because I was being dangerous. I learned that gun owners typically respect guns & their dangers more than anyone else. My stance has now changed. There are so many things in this world that can kill. Guns are the great equalizer. I now recommend everyone to have at least one gun & carry it whenever possible. You never know when evil will attempt to harm you. The most important thing is to train with these tools. If you don't they can harm you. Now that I live out in the country I feel bad for my previous stance. Bear & cougar roam near my land. I'd never harm anything unless I had to defend my family or animals, but I'm glad I have the ability to defend them. If someone came out here meaning to do harm, it would take at least 10 minutes for a police response. I need a gun for protection of my family in that case. Now I own several guns & see the necessity of being able to defend yourself. Without guns someone could come up here & put us thru hell. Even if I could get a call off to police, that response time means we could be dead & they'd be gone before help arrived. Now I know my anti gun stance was based out of ignorance, which is a hard pill to swallow. I just wish more people would take the time to learn the importance of the 2nd ammendment.
  • @Nonayabizness360
    I’m a 5’4 127 pound woman who owns two AR15 rifles and i absolutely love them. I used to be an anti gunner until a family friend and his 88 year old mother were broken into and she was assaulted by the offender. I chose to be responsible for my own safety and never put my trust in someone else when seconds count and they are minutes away.
  • @lukkra6340
    I think its scary that so many have such a strong opinion on the topic without actually knowing much about it. Just like mike said the people in washington proved his point
  • @Goudney
    As a firearms enthusiast, I just wanted to thank you for covering these issues in an objective manner. Most journalists take the route of "it scares me so you shouldn't be able to own it". But unlike them, you actually put effort into this video.
  • Absolutely love how this was done. Not pushing an agenda or voicing your own opinion really at all. Just telling a story and letting the viewer come to their own decision on where they stand. Absolutely fantastic job!!!
  • Short, to the point, presented all the information he found plainly and didnt draw any conclusions. I love it.
  • I love Mike he represents proper gun safety. The man love and respects his guns, keeps most dangerous ones stored, and also tells people if you have kids you must lock the guns off. He also clearly explains the assault weapons argument. In doing so he makes a very valid argument that an ar-15 and any other rifle or pistol is the same shit. I also respect how he says you can change or acquire a full auto but it's hard
  • @hownoble6404
    For the dude who shot up Buffalo, if memory serves me right, he specifically chose that area because he knew no one would be armed due to the large number of gun restrictions in New York. Most mass shootings happen in areas where people won't be armed, one dude walked into a church in texas to shoot it up and he was dead in 2 seconds, he killed 2 people but was dead in under 2 seconds.
  • @9PurpleGhost4
    As a 2A advocate, thank you for at least keeping an open mind involving this stuff! It goes a long way, even if I did have a good chuckle at your grip and stance while firing 🤭
  • @codeofcody5
    Thank you for this video. I needed that laugh today from the people you interviewed.
  • @jacksauce
    I’m not a gun nut. I’ve shot guns before, but I’m not crazy about them. That being said I’m a massive second amendment supporter because I’d much rather have people around me who do know how to legally use guns safely and have the opportunity to protect me in case I can’t defend myself. Thank you Tyler for showing both sides of this issue.
  • @mattmattmatt131313
    Top tip: Never ask a gun owner/collector to just "show you a few of his guns"... ...they will underplay their interest at first, but little do you know once they have you you are there for a 2 hour tour of their collection, historical lessons on every possible era imaginable, you will hear lists and lists of random numbers and letters that have absolutely no meaning to you. You will look for ways to pivot the conversation to a different topic with no success. By the end of it you will be exhausted. Don't ask me how I know ;)
  • @starsjosh2120
    I love this! Former resident of Kennesaw and former member of Gov's Gun Club. Like its said, no one inforces the law. But its a good law to follow considering some fairly dangerous areas nearby, and the fact that the crime branches out. A few months ago, there was, at a very nice golf course, very close to the areas he was in, a double homicide. This involved a cartel agent assisinating someone who was an issue one evening on the golf course. A worker happened to be near and investigated. This resulted in the worker then being killed as well.