The Ostrich politic - Animation Short Film 2018 - GOBELINS

Published 2018-11-15
Ostriches carry on their daily activities burying their heads, believing It’s an Instinctive behavior. However, one day a research by phylogeneticist Dr. Kays proves otherwise.

Réalisateur / Director : HOUHOU
Contact : [email protected]
Musique / Soundtrack : Amandine ROBILLARD, Anna CORDONNIER
Année de production / Production year : 2018

GOBELINS, l'école de l'image, Moïra Marguin : [email protected]
Contact festivals : Miyu Distribution, Luce Grosjean - [email protected]
Société de distribution : L'Agence du Court Métrage

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All Comments (21)
  • @Grifmore
    "I wondered how we used to own the skies above us For we’re the biggest birds on earth Till we believed angels are more worthy A lesson we taught since birth I wondered of all the fallen feathers And how the heavens must be filled with poets Gazing at the tree of knowledge With rotten apples below it I wondered how come they never picked up the truth And upon us bestow it Or is it already within us But we’re terrified to show it? So, we wander around bleak With a park of our soul lit If poetry lies its way to the truth We’ve been lied to and you know it " Amazing writing. Loved the animation. Great work.
  • @thetoast5778
    For those that want to understand the creators message. There are many behaviours that we carry out in our everyday lives that are perceived as normal. These traditions are what we are born into, they are all we know. Once you take a step back to analyse these behaviours their flaws become visible. The issue is these traditions are so ingrained into our culture that when we try to change them, often for the better, many become lost. People don't want to change something that they knew to be true their entire life, they will ignore faults in order to maintain normality. This is shown by the ostriches rebelling once their beliefs were questioned, despite clearly being ludicrous. The use of ostriches is to further reinforce this point, their tradition quite literally involves burying their heads, blinding themselves.
  • @arrows2859
    The animation is so good.... and is it just me that finds the deep voice satisfying?
  • @moonchild0167
    Everybody knows the truth but choose to bury their heads. This is INCREDIBLE. The message really hit me hard
  • @tolu.a
    To me the story starts with a society who has a problem that they've accepted as the norm. One person points out that this "norm" should be dealt with not embraced but the response is catastrophic and so his idea is hidden away. The items highlighted in yellow towards the end of the video are problems humans experience that get the same treatment. People speak out about them, get funding and advertise the solutions but it keeps getting covered up. The animation is amazing as always!!!
  • @planetfrank1994
    They need to show this short film everywhere. Schools, offices, TV, everywhere I tell you. This is a beautiful commentary about our world.
  • the fact that the ostriches finally choose to bury their head into the dark hole despite the truth represent how the society choose to ignore our bleakest behaviors like hate crime, deforestation, and carries on to live on those mistake though we acknowledge that it's wrong to do.
  • @Steinchen43
    I can’t believe the last poem was made specifically for that short film. It’s absolutely fantastic. I’ve never been into poetry but this kinda changed my mind.
  • No matter how many times I watch this, then end poem chokes me up. But nothing will top the words "and you know it". Delivered in the deepest despair of the most downtrodden soul. Kills me every time.
  • @Justin_Joy
    1:48 I like the part where the Ostrich tries to put his head into someone elses butt.
  • Dang this video was deep... and the animation just absolutely beautiful. Well done!
  • @LizPurnell99
    This is a fantastic short film! And my god the animation is amazing. Well done to all involved! ❤
  • @abbykoop5363
    This was really good. And yes it's true...I used to have ostriches and they do not bury their heads. And, if you put on a hood, they will stand still or lay down...unless you direct them....that's how you can move them about...but they will not move on their own if they can't see. I know the film isn't really about ostriches...but I found that part quite interesting.
  • @nawee6801
    "He went on naming diseases found among species, like homo-sapiens and dolphins." LOL
  • @Mr_Valentin.
    This is ironic because the creator of this short movie is trying to tell us that there are behaviors, acts and informations that are wrong but we live by it anyway, but... Ostriches don't bury their head under the ground at all, they lower their head to scan the perimeter around them
  • @donutsndcoffee
    I've been sitting out on this film for a minute now. With the preconceived notion that the use of CGI realism in a short film like this would not compare to 2D animation. Boy was I wrong. Everything about this film is stellar.: The execution of realism and surrealism in animation, composition throughout the beginning, the poem spoken throughout, the voice acting and music. Then the wittiness, humor, and message. Out of all the GOBELINS 2018 films, this is my favorite.
  • The mistake was forcing them to stop hiding their heads. If it had expressed that hiding one's head was only optional, not mandatory, it would have been gradually accepted that it is okay to not hide your head.
  • goes to comments to read a bunch of people thinking they've now become experts on the topic of ostriches and politics