Final Fantasy IX - A Poorly Drawn Summary

Published 2020-02-03
Hey everyone. Final Fantasy 9 is one of my favorite games of all time and holds a special place is my heart due to how deeply the story resonated with me and my own personal struggles. Also Vivi is cute. That's equally as important.

I've had an idea for a series like this for a while but learning how to write a script, draw, edit, record audio, and everything in-between took waaay longer than I expected. But now that I've got my foot in the door I plan on making a bunch more of these type of videos so stay tuned.

Any sort of feedback is appreciated, good or bad.

Most backgrounds are taken from the HD Moguri mod upscale.


Aloha de Chocobo
Tetra Master
Kuja's Theme
Madain Sari, Village of the Lost Summoners
Memories Erased by a Storm
City Treno
A Place to Call Home
Vivi's Theme
Unforgettable Silhouette
Battle 1
Game Over
Vamo alla Flamenco
Quina's Theme
Black Mage Village
Eiko's Theme
Faerie Battle
Something to Protect
Esto Gaza
Mount Gulug
Ipsen's Castle
Not Alone
The Darkness of Eternity
Star-Crossed Lovers
A Song from Her Memory
Behind the Door
Melodies of Life

All Comments (21)
  • @KeroKRO
    The amount of Vivi appreciation is acceptable.
  • @names1139
    No one gonna talk about the line saying " they can summon eidolens which can destroy towns or deal 500 damage depending on wether or not you're in a cutscene"
  • @tinyetoile5503
    I remember seeing someone else talk about how war is another major theme in FF9, and how the game letting you revisit certain cities even after the were destroyed made her cry, especially the part where you can encounter an NPC who, prior to the cities destruction, was selling things, who has now been blinded by the debris and laments that she can no longer see her granddaughter's face.
  • @ruggie.74
    I never realized this until now, but every single one of the characters in this game (except for Zidane) is somehow isolated or separated, in other words, they are ALONE. Zidane adopts every one of these characters (including Rusty) into his party and makes them feel wanted, validated, and a part of a new family of misfits. This makes the sequence in Terra that we all know and love just THAT much more powerful for me... He finally learns about his origins and decides to leave his family and become isolated and separated himself, as all of his friends once were, but they won't allow him to leave the group and they all beckon him the same way that he did for each of them. This game is literally unbelievable.
  • This game was gifted to me by a friend in middle school who knew I was in an abusive home. He said I'd really like Vivi. I would sneak around at night to be able to play this game, silent and terrified but full of so much wonder. My abuser broke all four disc's one by one. I was only at the Tree. I was absolutely devastated to not finish it. Nearly 15 years later and the Switch edition made me sob to see. I finally got to finish it and it felt so different to finally hear the music in game. This game ment so much to me.
    "That have the power to destroy city's, or do 500 damage... depending if you are in a cutscene," I almost spat the water I was drinking
  • @MittyKitty
    That moment when you realize Vivi died thinking Zidaine was still dead
  • Vivi's biggest fear was death, yet despite that he would constantly put himself im harms way to help his friends. true bravery right there.
  • "Capable of destroying cities or dealing 500 damage, depending if you are in a cutscene or not" Awesome line!!
  • @BoppinBunnyBops
    "Can we not talk about seven for one god damn second" I felt that in the core of my soul.
  • @MrJumboHumbo
    Vivi to me is a metaphor for the series (and the end of the 'classic' FF games), and a metaphor for all of us who spent our childhood years playing these golden era FFs. That time came to an end for all of us, but it was worth the adventure and the memories of those games will stick with us.
  • @cozygamingmom
    Why am I still crying 22 years later about the ending of this game? This was great, thank you. This will always be the best game in the series for me. I'm glad I stumbled upon this video
  • @KingShadowOmega
    Part of why this game is so good is how excellent Zidane is as the glue that holds the team together. Zidane is one of the more unique protagonists in the series who already knows "who he is," when you get him. He doesn't really get too much character development throughout the game if you pay attention, but instead is the one who shows the rest of the cast what they're missing. He's the anchor and the development of the rest of the party members is because of him. It all culminates in the "you're not alone" sequence in Bran Bul where Zidane is caught in a moment of existential crisis; the party whom he has helped throughout the game, now return the favor. It's really a powerful sequence.
  • FF9 is like reading a fairy tale. This game is an amazing achievement
  • @-ClickBait
    This is so true. Of all the FF games, this one is literally burned into my soul. This game resonated with me when I was trying to find meaning and love in my own early teens. Another VERY different aspect of this game that the others did not, was a system that fully developed every character and their story, even if you didn’t use them. You had the opportunity to see them do their things while Zidane was off doing his. It really connected me with the ENTIRE story instead of just the linear character of the hero. Still to this day, the game makes me cry and feel the warmest of emotions at the same time, all the way down to my core and back to my early adolescence. This game will always be my favorite of all time.
  • @stavielia7583
    FF9 is arguably the best rendition of what the essence of a Final Fantasy game is. Highly underrated release.
  • @Jamming_mh
    I can't believe that even this poorly drawn summary brought me tears at the end
  • @TheLibermania
    12:30 To be fair, Eiko lives alone with a hundred Kupos, making her the cat lady of the world. So she is probably very, very lonely and starving for social interaction.
  • I will always remember the scene when Freya asks Beatrix if she remembers killing her husband and she replies "i cannot possibily remember all the rats i've killed"