Do we know the Science in Sanatana Dharma @drvineetaggarwal explains 7 Scientific Secrets in Dharma

Watch till the end to know how Sanatana Dharma has so many secrets embedded which the current scientific world is discovering. ‪@drvineetaggarwal‬ Bandhu has explained it so clearly with sources and makes it a great conversation.

[00:03] Dr. Vineet Aggarwal's journey into Sanatan Dharma and science
- Dr. Vineet Aggarwal, a renowned author, practicing in the pharmaceutical industry, discusses the intermingling of science and Dharma in his writing.
- Exploring the significance of scriptures like Upanishads and how they impact our lives.

[02:31]The conflict between Western and Indian scientific perspectives
- Discussion on historical struggles faced by Galileo and Copernicus in the West for their scientific theories.
- Exploration of the Indian perspective on blending faith, medicine, and mythology for a deeper understanding.

[06:51] Time in Hinduism is cyclical, in contrast to linear progression in Western religions.
- The life of a universe is represented by Brahma, the Creator, with a lifespan of 100 Brahma years.
- Each Brahma year consists of 360 days and nights, divided into 'kulp' and 'mananas' similar to human time calculations.

[09:10] Time cycles in Hindu scriptures
- The day consists of 14 manvantaras, each with 71 Maha yugas and each Maha Yuga with four yugas.
- Currently, we are in the Kali Yuga, 155 trillion human years have passed according to the scriptures.

[13:33] Science can learn from scriptures and other streams
- Scientific theories lack proof and evidence despite advancements in technology and exploration.
- There is still much unknown about outer space and the solar system, highlighting the limitations of current scientific understanding.

[15:49] Exploring the possibility of alien life
- Aliens may exist in different forms or be indifferent to contact.
- Scriptures and scientific theories provide intriguing insights on alien life.

[19:36] Exploring multiple manifestations of divine beings in different Yugas
- Concept of multiple Ramas, Krishnas, and avatars in different cycles of time
- Scriptures do not mention the exact repetition of events in every Maha Yuga

[21:45] Aryabhatta gave the date for the beginning of Kali Yuga as 3,12 BC
- Mahabharata is from the time period just before the beginning of Kali Yuga, about 5,000 years old
- Ramayana is from the previous yuga, the 24th Maha yoga cycle, further back in time

[25:40]Story of Chandraa and Rohini leading to the concept of moon phases
- Chandraa marries 27 daughters of D prajapati, favorite is Rohini causing jealousy among other sisters
- Daka curses Chandraa to slowly die of consumption over 14 days, leading to moon waning concept

[27:41 Chandra spends the most time near the Rohini nakshatra.
- Out of the 27-28 day lunar months, the maximum time period and closest distance of Chandra is to Rohini.
- The story explaining the 27 constellations and the waning moon provides a beautiful blend of science, spirituality, and Sanatan Dharma.

[31:41] Exploring the potential scientific benefits of ancient rituals and substances like 'Som'
- Understanding the historical context of how substances like S have been described to invigorate and enhance awareness
- The importance of conducting research on ancient scriptures to potentially discover new medicinal properties

[33:45]Utilizing plants for various purposes is crucial
- Plants offer a wide range of uses from roots to leaves to fruits
- Neglecting traditional knowledge on natural remedies poses risks to our health

[37:46] Understanding and embracing our cultural roots
- The history of local rulers and leaders is often overlooked in the central curriculum, leading to a lack of representation.
- The influence of Western culture has led to a disconnect from traditional practices and beliefs.

[39:50] Ancient scriptures promote adaptability and open-mindedness
- Concept of adjusting rules with changing times
- Importance of sustainable future and equality already existing in scriptures

[43:51] Adapt to changing audience preferences and education methods.
- Importance of evolving storytelling and educational techniques to match audience expectations.
- Emphasizing the need to preserve the essence of teachings while adapting to modern delivery methods.

[45:54] Differentiating between spirituality and Dharma
- Spirituality is considered more peripheral than Dharma, focusing on mindfulness and psychological aspects mentioned in scriptures.
- Indian philosophy is relatable to everyday life, unlike the misconception that philosophy is otherworldly.

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