Publicado 2022-08-03

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ac1455
    This is just anime Tanya. Manga Tanya is another level. Also, she technically didn’t ‘commit’ war crimes.
  • @coreydillon4330
    Bear in mind Chavez that CJ cut out A LOT of context and levity for the sake of entertainment. The Anime, manga and light Novels show that Tanya isn’t as evil as she’s portrayed here. She’s a savage but so are all those she’s engaged in battle with. *SPOILERS BELOW FOR THE PROLOGUE In the actually story, Tanya in her previous life encounters god moments before being killed by the train. God basically asks why dude don’t believe in God, which the guy flat out denies gods existence to his face and says he has no need for faith in the modern world blessed with technology and modern conveniences. So God says, “alright, If I reincarnate you in a world without technology, you’ll have faith?” So God reincarnates the dude into Tanya. The entire Anime is Tanya trying to get revenge on this God for doing this to her and throughout the entire story thus far, God or Being X keeps interfering with her life, putting her life in danger multiple times before reaching 12. Gods even manipulated events around Tanya to force a World War situation in order to put her in active danger.
  • Exhibit D (It happens in the middle of exhibit C): while stationed in the desert, the food given to Tanya's battalion was trash, just pasta that they can't even cook because you know, it's the DESERT so there is no water around to "waste". What was Tanya's solution? Attack enemy bases just for the ingredients and water to cook. Enemy soldier: "WHY? This base holds no strategic value whatsoever, why are we getting shelled?" Tanya: "Run your pockets n****, I know you got basil!"
  • Some explanations. Tanya is a master of loopholes when it comes to not technically committing war crimes. Her motivation is to try and get a safe and cushy job, but life keeps getting in the way. Mary Sioux came back and the final battle between them took an entire movie. Another thing to mention about Tanya is that she isn't as outright cruel in the original source material as she is in the anime. The two soldiers weren't deliberately sent to their deaths for instance. The reason she was so savage to her battalion during training was because she was trying to discourage them into quitting, so that she wouldn't get sent to the front. Over time, the soldiers who follow her orders end up becoming "her men" and she grows to feel loyalty to them.
  • @AnarchHive
    To be honest, those two dudes mouthed off to Tanya when she was going to send them home. They said they wanted to fight and die for their country, so she arranged for that. Also in case the video didn't make this obvious: Tanya is an advocate for peace. No really! She's just very good at her job and likes being efficient. It's a good show and the fight scenes are great, worth a watch, with a new season in production.
  • @Lill2895
    You guys would really enjoy this anime. Tanya isn't a good person, but she actually doesn't want to be on the battlefield AT ALL. The leaders of her country just keep sending her there because she's literally the best strategist they have and is also the most skilled. Tanya's only goal is to remove herself from danger and not get killed at all so that she can be reincarnated again. She goes through a lot of loopholes that any other military goes through when it comes to war crimes, and the other side is shown as well. You also have to realize she has to obey orders or she'll be charged for going against orders. Her main enemy is legit God who gives her and Mary their crazy powers.
  • @lemongrab9044
    "You, you and both halves of him" shouldn't of been that damn funny
  • @lemongrab9044
    for context she technically didn't commit a war crime 💀 She has 2 voices. Her real voice that sounds more mature and a cutesy voice that makes her sound a lot younger. She had to give them a warning of attack, so she used her cutesy voice to make it sound like a prank from a child so they wouldn't take it seriously. And then proceeded to bomb tf out of them
  • @TheCsel
    The context is: if WW1 happened a couple decades late, and theres magic and magic-tech. So its not about WW2 race- NAZI stuff, more about the imperial struggles of WW1 and pointless grind of war with no end in sight. Tanya knows the conflict is spiraling into a global confict and is trying to stop it, but the Higher Ups and the "god" character is actively pushing the world to war. So she's stuck in constant war and becomes more and more unhinged because of it. So, I think it shows the WW1 historical aspects quite well. Its not my favorite anime, but is a lot more nuanced then this video made it out to be.
  • @ubeia4857
    She's not exactly as evil as the video portrayed her to be. Most people assume when a character is evil, that they are the Chaotic Evil archetype, one that revels in other's suffering and perpetuates evil for the sake of evil. She's not that type of evil. (the Joker is an example of chaotic evil) Her evil is more Lawful Evil, she acts very efficiently and does things that benefits her no matter the cost but she doesn't actively harms others just for the fun of it or just for doing it for no reason. If it benefits herself, her career and her image, she doesn't mind basically torturing her soldiers to make them into the supersoldiers that she wants them to be. Another thing is that she technically didn't commit a single war crime yet, she used loopholes in the rules of war of her current time period to finish her missions efficiently. What she did is by their rules of war not illegal, but definitely still morally wrong. And she knows that yet still does it because she benefits from doing it by allowing her to lessen the risks to her own soldiers, finish the conflict faster, and most importantly, to get another achievement that will help her military career. TLDR; She's evil but not for the sake of just being evil but for the sake of herself. She hasn't committed a war crime at all by their world's rules of war because she used loopholes on it.
  • @destructo938
    Chavez, that part where she was talking through the megaphone was legal because she warned them. Also in the series they gave her the megaphone so that they believed it was a kids joke and wouldnt take it seriously.
  • @randydandyday
    while the anime is called Tanya of the evil, her character is actually more of a pragmatic sociopath with occasional sadistic tendencies. Tanya isn't really a character the author wants to glorify, she is a cold unempathetic mercenary who delights in victory. Yet at the same time her opposition Mary Sioux insists on being a bleeding-heart self-righteous moron. It's interesting, there aren't really any good sides.
  • @TheCsel
    A lot of this was exaggerated and taken out of context. Tanya is pretty ruthless but still plays things by the book, she doesnt do war crimes, her primary goal is to get out of fighting or ending the war. The supernatural "god" Being though keeps messing things up and making the war keep going to keep her struggling to survive.
  • @SpaceGoat3126
    13:40 so Tanya is like another level of loopholes for war crimes to the point where she was known for it. I think the title of the anime is literally Tanya the Terrible. This is actually a good example, when she attacked this capital she specifically wanted to be the one to announce the attack beforehand because she has the voice of a child thus everyone thought it was some kid having fun on the intercoms. Afterwards they attacked and when questioned she could just say “Hey I tried to warn them beforehand.” Edit: Nevermind it was Tanya the Evil…my point still stands.
  • In the show she bypassed wartime law on her attack on the capital because she gave Warning of the attack and didn't directly attack civilians, she just targeted a factory that happened to have explosives.
  • @Hawkcam1996
    13:40 Tanya used that high pitched voice because she’s legally required by international law to warn them before the attack. She didn’t want them to take her warning seriously(they didn’t) so she could maximize casualties.
  • @heartForcandies
    I mean i wouldn't call a series lazy or amazing without watching the actual show and seeing it only through a quasi parody of it. It's much more nuanced than what is shown here and actually has some funny points.
  • @LordApoca
    Tanya is the embodiment of Black Air Force energy
  • @rubenjoe7488
    The character Tanya was in an Orphanage and had very high mana, which is why she was able to join the military. She joined it because it was a better life and opportunity to move up in the world.
  • @mistermaxie6487
    Lowkey Tanya the Evil might be my favorite anime. I love how evil this chaotic rat girl is. Also the setting is just so fuckin cool.