Giving You A MAP Of My Indie Game [Disinherited Overview Devlog]


コメント (21)
  • @KefkeWren
    Some ideas for bosses; • An architect who sought immortality through the construction of a "perfect" city. • A doctor who sought to eliminate all frailties of the flesh. • A great lover who sought to have many partners and fill the world with their bloodline. • A playwright who sought to immortalize themself through an autobiographical work that would last the ages. • A gardener who sought to become one with the plants that they tended. you said, there's a lot that can be done with the concept.
  • What if you could find the bones of the human body in your run in order to slowly assemble a human skeleton at the manor? They'd be the perfect collectables: ->There's 206 of them and they all already have names ->It would fit the theme of the game ->The community would love it ->You could probably tie it into the lore ->It's a clear goal where you could even see some progression after every run
  • @ntPingu
    This man is cooking a 12 course dinner here. I love your plans and I am EXCITED for the Kickstarter
  • @jeyizumi
    Samuel: what are you gonna get from this? Red Eye: oh, you wouldn't want to know.....
  • The journal might write down weaknesses of enemies or write down what certain relics do so you have to grab the relic first to figure out what it does
  • hear me out: catacombs > randomly picked 1 star difficulty room > randomly picked 2 star difficulty room > so on > bank > end of game
  • Bro, this thing goes live in 6 hours and there 5 people live waiting for it, kinda wild.
  • @th-rower
    My initial reaction at the red eye lantern bit is that it seems to weaken the plot a little bit- considering it’s about Samuel doing something his father failed to, and at first glance the respawn mechanic seems to trivialize that (I understand there is deeper/spoilery stuff to it, I’m just concerned that it might not come across). Could we have red eye making veiled references to having met samuel’s father and maybe calling him weak or something? I was also imagining that the consistent usage of the lantern would sort of sap samuel’s humanity each day till an eventual end; and when he went back to sleep after a run, the minigame would be about fighting his demons (in whatever implementation) or the ghost of samuel’s dad or something (somehow tying back into the memento mori theme). Glad to know how well the mansion part is going to be fleshed out, really excited for those devlogs as well. Personally I’m just hoping that a general undercurrent of dread is maintained well (you’re doing a fantastic job atm). I would maybe encourage a bit of caution in allowing the cat to be customized (I understand people love it and it wouldn’t detract that much, but it undercuts the vibe imo. Maybe samuel likes to paint the cat for poetic inspiration.)
  • @14Ghost14
    Yay! I was hoping that there be something to do between runs, like, i like deadcels, but between runs, you just run past the npcs and do a run again, with i find boring. Btw, i love the idea of the food, playing with the historys and myths of infinite food or regenerating food would be cool, and the idea of having buffs because you picked up a ingredient is a nice one. Keep the good work and good luck 😊
  • @moonsigil
    I really really hope this game catches on like wildfire. I think the aesthetic, premise, and gameplay loop have the potential to be a classic for the genre. I wishlisted and I'll be telling my friends about it!
  • Room idea: a tyrannical king who descended the catacombs to find eternal life so he can extend his rule forever.
  • A MAD KING boss would be neat, wanting to rule forever or crown relic
  • Samuel unlocks a relic that lets him collect more money, how does he do this? By asking the cat for financial advice
  • actually really helpful. Knowing how the game actually plays out really helps me understand if its something i want to play or not. This game is definitely a play!