The Hardest Part | Story Time

Published 2016-02-16
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Feb 14 was 5 years since starting this journey.. as I look back I thought about what the hardest part was and felt like sharing
When I was 21, I found out I was pregnant with twins at 21 weeks and was sent over 10 hours away from home to be close to BC Children's hospital to wait for the girls to arrive. After 2 and a half months of waiting they were born.. one was then in the NICU for a year and a half after that. I spent 572 days away from home, Hannah spent 507 days in the NICU. People always ask me what the hardest part was ... well aside from the OBVIOUS (having a sick child, being away from home) here is what I thought was..
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My name is Bonnie, I'm a 26 years old and a single mom. I have 4 year old twins Hannah & Hailey who were born very premature (micro preemies). Because of that my daughters have alot of healthy problems, one more then the other. My channel is a way for me to share MY experience on my family's journey dealing with medical problems and the typical family stuff. My daughter Hannah just got her tracheostomy out after over 3 years so we are readjusting to life again. I am also on a weight loss journey, down 42lbs.

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☆★New to our channel and want to learn more about who we are. Watch our short introduction video    • Introduction Video | New W/ Words  ★☆

Want to learn even more? Here's a "Catch up" Play list

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• » Some Other Videos To Check out!! « •

→ The End To Dad Questions    • Video  
→ Night Nurse Routine    • Night Nurse Routine | Ms. Bonnie Harris  
→ Why I Share Our Life    • Why I Share OUR Life With Specail Nee...  
→ My Budget As A Single Mom    • My Budget As A Single Mom  
→ Medical Expenses    • Medical Expenses  
→ Hannahs Trach Decanulation    • Hannah's Trach Decannulation  
→1 Year Weight Loss, 42lbs    • 1 Year Later, 41lbs Lost | Weight Los...  
→ Twins Night Time Routine    • Twins Night Time Routine | G-tube & O...  

Frequently Asked questions:

-What does your daughter have? She doesn't have anything. She was born premature and these are the complications from that. Watch this video for more information    • “ What's Wrong With Hannah ”  

-Questions about their dad(aka DB): Watch    • Video   Please don't ask for more details.

-Why doesn't Hannah eat, when will she eat: Watching this video where I explain why she doesn't eat and what it will take for her to eat    • Why Hannah Doesn't Eat | Oral Aversion  
A little about us

Mom; I'm a hairdresser and work part time while taking care of my girls on my own. My mom helps me out from time to time too [gotta give credit where credits deserved :)]. I'm on a weightloss journey [ not a diet], i'm trying to break my unhealthy habits. So far I have lost 42lbs in total.

Hannah, the older one believe it or not. Has a TON of medical problems all due to being premature. She spent the first 507 days in the hospital ( a year and a half STRAIGHT). She recently just got her tracheostomy out after having it for 3 year 3 months and 8 days [ I remembered the dates, I swear I didn't keep count lol]
List of medical conditions
→ Born at 29w4d, weighing 1lbs 4oz
→ Pulmonary hypertention XOVERCOME
→ Short Gut
→ Near sighted
→ Oral aversion [Doesn't like things in her mouth]
→ Reflux
→ BPD [lung condition]
→ Stoma
→ Developmental Coordination Disorder
→ Possible Nerve disorder
And i'm sure there is more.

Hailey is "the younger one"
→ Born at 29w4d, weighing 2lbs 14oz
→ Pulmonary stenosis
→ MILD Cerebral palsy in 1 leg
→ White matter brain disease
→ Possible Nerve disorder

Business Inquiries Only [email protected]

tags: NICU mom, having a child in the nicu, hardest part about nicu stays, nicu nurse, single parent in nicu, BC Children hospital , Victoria general hospital, Vancouver island, British Columbia, hard times in nicu, story time, story time video, cheating story time, caught cheating story time, my boyfriend cheated, child father cheated, leaving childs father, feeling trapped

All Comments (21)
  • @balboathedog
    Hearing you tell your story and seeing the pictures from that time was very powerful. You are STRONG. How lucky your girls are to have a powerful female role model in their MOM.
  • @alysia0311
    You are a strong women!!! Your daughters will appreciate all you have went through with them.
  • @Kateymae5
    I think it's great you're sharing because people tend to forget that everyone goes through their own hell. Life isn't perfect for anyone! There's parts of my life I've wanted to share but just haven't had to courage to put it out there lol so good for you!
  • You are SUPER STRONG, Bonnie!! You deserve the absolute best from here on out <3
  • @thedodgefamily
    Every time you talk about what you guys have gone through I am amazed. You are an INCREDIBLE mama and the girls are so fortunate to have you! I am sure it's such a great feeling to see what you have gone through to where you are now. Thanks for sharing xx
  • @LMG12468
    Thank you for sharing this!! I felt like I was the only one who felt this way. Life goes on with or with out us, the world keeps turning while we sit in a tiny room holding or babies and praying that they get one more day. My sister found out she was pregnant, had her baby and was home all while we were still in the hospital. My daughter was only there for 7 months I can't imagine being there for as long as you were. we have been home for just over a month. When they told me my daughter (also named Hannah) was going to need a trach I got on YouTube and searched for tutorials on how to do trach care, that's how I came upon your channel and I am so glad I did! I really enjoy watching your videos.
  • @BhappyD
    I completely agree with you on what the hardest part is! I'm currently 22, almost 23, and I've been sick with a progressive degenerative disease since birth (Mitochondrial Disease), so I'm in a similar situation as you, just experiencing it in a different role. I have grown up in hospitals, many surgeries, constantly in a doctor's office, etc. I'm chronically ill, and most days I'm lucky to just be able to get out of bed. In the big picture, being sick really isn't the hardest thing. I can deal with the symptoms, the severe pain, the tests, procedures, surgeries, feeding tube, and wheelchair etc. Everyone thinks that is the hardest part, but really it's the isolation the illness causes. Life does still go on. When I've been in the hospital for months on end, and then look out the window, it's so hard to see all of the people outside just carrying on with their everyday life, yet for me it feels like my time is standing still, even though it's really just passing by before my eyes. I have watched all of my friends live their lives normally (isn't Facebook wonderful lol) while I'm just stuck. They all moved on and went to college, became independent, dated, fell in love, graduated, got jobs, are getting married, and are now some are starting to have children. They get to experience the life I have always longed for, and I am only able to watch their lives unfold. I try my hardest not to compare my life with others (I hardly ever go on FB anymore due to that reason) but sometimes it's so hard to not see the differences between where I am and where they are. You're girls are SO blessed to have such a wonderful mother like you! The way you care for them reminds me of my wonderful strong mother, and that is the biggest compliment I could ever give someone. <3
  • Share away Bonnie. This is your real life and your real story. Look at the truly amazing strong person it has made you.
  • @Ashleyiza
    Wow this video made me cry. Im going through alot in my life and I completely understand what you mean about being a stand still and people around you moving forward. Well one thing I know is that you're a fighter Bonnie. I admire you. You're helping me by making your videos. You have your beautiful girls and they couldn't be more lucky. They need you. I hope you find who ever, if there is someone special enough, who makes you happy one day in the future. ❤
  • @SuperVale19
    You are an amazing mother and person. The girls are so lucky to be your daughters. Time goes by and kids grow, those people will regret not being there for them one day
  • love that u shared this. can't even begin to imagine what u went through.
  • You are the best mom ever and I just love seeing the girls in your videos. My mom raised me alone (with the help of her parents) and my db wants nothing to do with me and I'm 20 now. It hurts sometimes that he doesn't care but it's made me who I am. I know that the only people in my life that matter are the ones that love me and care about me.
  • @whitec1981
    Love storytime Bonnie. Thanks for sharing!! We love you!! =)  Just think of all the people here to support you now!! Bring it on life!! :P
  • @thegingermommy
    and the moral of this story is that men and relationships come and go, but our amazing kids and being a mother is forever, and what is most important!
  • @OliviaGrace21
    Bonnie, I love ya girl. NICU is like a time warp. I love how you explained that "life went on without you". I never rationalized it that way but your so true. I appreciate your raw and honest story. XoxoFellow NICU mom. 186 days12oz Olivia.
  • @mom3xys
    You have been through a lot and it is totally understandable that you are still processing everything that happened. It is great that you can talk about it .
  • Omg! I'm so sorry for everything you've gone through!😢😞 trough all that you're such an amazing mother n u should be so proud of ur self!!!!
  • @Starburst858
    Bonnie you are such an inspiration. I couldn't imagine going through all that you went through and still staying positive and managing to kick @$$. You're amazing, you're couldn't be doing a better job at being a mother! I'm glad you haven't been with DB for a while, because you deserve someone waaaaaaay better than that. You will be treated like the Queen that you are, xo