The Crossroads of Religion & Politics—Part 2

Published 2024-07-22
Friends, we bring to you the second part of my discussion with Dr. Tod Worner on the way a Catholic, and indeed all Christians, should approach the crossroads of Religion and politics.


00:00 | Intro
00:26 | The relationship between morality, religion, and democracy
04:03 | The public nature of Christianity
06:04 | Is vitriol built into democratic politics?
09:34 | Argument over quarrel
14:32 | What is "the herd" doing today and how should Catholics respond?
15:57 | Life without transcendence
19:00 | The role of mediating institutions
22:07 | Catholic social teaching on wealth and power
23:50 | Remembering humanity's fallenness
26:06 | Principles for voting faithfully
27:28 | Is democracy worth retaining?
31:37 | Join the Word on Fire Institute


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All Comments (21)
  • This is one of the most outstanding conversations I’ve ever listened to, if not THE most. I’m a Protestant, but am growing every day in my understanding and love for Catholicism, in large part due to Bishop Barron and ministries such as WOF.
  • @miken3260
    We live on a time when most people believe that happiness is a bucket list of pleasures and experiences.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed this two part discussion. Bishop Barron's point on the purpose of separating church and state being more about the importance of keeping the state out of religion ... and not the other way around, is a salient point for understanding how we've got to the strange place we find ourselves in today. I think this misunderstanding explains much about our current 'do whatever you want all the time' culture, and it would be worthwhile unpacking this more. I like St Basil's 'discerning bumblebees' analogy, too, Dr Worner. Thank you both, very much.
  • A series on the friendship of Justices Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg is what this country needs.
  • Arguing is a good thing, dealing with liar who taunts constantly is a disgrace.
  • Very good. Bishop Barron talks to us I can't wait until he becomes a Cardinal.
  • "I have seen the Lord and he said this." Blessed are the souls who persevere in the Truth and Justice of the incarnate Word, who keep and proclaim His message, in the face of the infamy that dwells in this trial and seeks to silence it.
  • Beautiful conversation and exploration of religion, politics, evangelism in these times. It resonated a lot to me with what my Catholic mom often says," the Catholic faith is a commitment, people can talk all they want but if they don't go to church and receive the Eucharist, they are not Catholic." I also really appreciate the philosophy... having created courses with one of our modern day philosophers for almost a decade, I appreciate the St. Basil reference. I did not know anything about him and his analogy struck an inspiring chord. Thank you both. God bless.
  • @ZacharyOrlov
    Fabulous! Clarity, Clarity of thoughts, good thinking and a call to action!
  • The Federalist Papers would be excellent material for history/gov't work by middle-school aged students. And, it provides all kinds of rhetoric opportunities for high school discussion. Never mind, they show quite a lot of gov't philosophy in a way that is profound. Also, the Firing Line hour-long format would be difficult for some because of the rate of media/info delivery, especially for the young. The issue there is also likely educational. But it begs for parental help and church framing.
  • I have to take exception with the notion that most people want solutions. Most people these days want the show. It's reality TV as politics, Plato's Allegory of the Cave in real time. If we were serious citizens we wouldn't have the type of candidates we currently have. People of substance who want to discuss issues are seen as dull and pushed aside. People who are good at playing shirts and skins and engaging in name calling and grandstanding are all the rage. In a democratic republic you get the government you ask for. The American voter has empowered shallow people and accepted the gaslighting and all the rest that go along with that. The other side used to be viewed as well-meaning people with bad ideas. Now they are bad people with evil intentions. Sadly, we have shown them we prefer that to the nuts and bolts of responsible governance. And when the waitress shows up with the check, and everyone's cards get declined, whose going to end up washing dishes to settle the bill? I'm telling ya, what's coming around the bend will make everyone long for the good-old days of COVID. When your savings are wiped out and austerity measures are put in place that actually sting, whose going to take the blame? Whose going to deserve it? When drastic steps are taken to restore order in the streets, when liberty is suspended in the name of order; whose going to stand up and say enough is enough? That requires character, and character requires courage and virtue. Why do you think our founders put such a heavy emphasis on those two traits? And it starts and ends with adherence to a system of laws and morality that transcend human fears, desires, and ideology. When you walk away from that. When you tell God; "I've got this, I don't need you," God's response is predictable: "And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper.” ― Romans 1