
コメント (21)
  • so this whole time he was killing everyone because he thought he was doing them a favor by letting them go to heaven because alternia is basically hell.. that's both horrifically cryptic and terribly depressing...
  • As scary as the bad ending is, its a bit sweet that he actualy quits sopor just because his new friend asked him too.
  • me at the beginning: awww gamzee's so cute me at the end: W H A T T H E F U C K
  • @kan95a
    anyone else seeing the rage symbol in the sopor pie or is that just me
  • Hey remember how in Homestuck classic its mentioned how theres a timeline where Gamzee went insane before the session started and murdered everyone? Pesterquest Remembers
  • The second I read that the MSPAR suggested Gamzee stop taking drugs, i thought “Ah shit, here we go again.”
  • Therapist: "The T-Posing man in Pesterquest isn't real. He can't hurt you." The T-Posing man: 17:19
  • Who gave the artist the permission to make gamzee this..ADORABLE.
  • @gc4962
    The sober music activated my fight or flight immediately
  • Gamzee you're my favorite character but.... you can't just go around killing people when you stop eating drug pie.
  • Guy just needs to cut back slowly, not go cold turkey. His body going inta shock from withdrawal is probably a massive reason he goes nuts.
  • Yo karkat got destroyed man, like holy shit that wasn't a fight he got beaten down to death and the blood in the ceiling shows how violent and brutal it was, man i feel sorry for karkat because aparently, he was sleeping when Gamzee started the execution
  • Y'all over there be talking about sober Gamzee and eating slime pie while over here I'm crying because we got to see Karako and almost recalled him yet soMEONE DIDN'T WANT US TO REMEMBER
  • it'd honestly be hard for me to say i dislike gamzee because sober gamzee's rampage is just so hard to rationalize like, high or not, stoned gamzee tries to be kind and he clearly cares about a lot of people, and that doesn't just come as the result of being stoned as hell - his kindness has to come from somewhere and he can't just be an awful monster who was somehow subdued into a nice kid from being stoned off his mind i guess it honestly feels impossible to believe that the gamzee this volume and homestuck's story start on is a bad person who doesn't want his friends to be happy, and it makes me feel horrible thinking just how badly his mind must've broken coming off of the sopor after being high his whole life, and wondering how much of him going completely berserk was him just being unable to process the state of the planet he's on or his grief over his lusus or maybe even anger over how nobody in the group really seemed to ever like him, and how much of it was english's influence in some form as tragic as it feels like gamzee is the more you try and think about it, i think it becomes more and more terrifying as well
  • 23:03 literally looks like he ground karkat into a paste and smeared him on the walls i CANNOT
  • im not even joking i got scared when the plauer told him not to eat it ad when he threw it. I low key stopped breathing.