4 Movies That Made John Williams The GOAT


コメント (21)
  • I may or may not be doing a video with my old music school professor INSERT QUESTION HERE but definitely don't ask anything embarrassing about me.
  • "We could talk all day..." WELL LET'S JUST TALK ALL DAY THEN
  • The fact that Jurassic Park and Harry Potter weren’t even MENTIONED is a testament to how many bangers John Williams has put out.
  • @pat_lowe
    Everyone's talking about leaving out Harry Potter and Jurassic Park and no one seems to mention his work on Schindler's List, Memoirs of a Geisha , or even his great concert works like "On Willow and Birches" for Harp and Orchestra. There's so much out there that he's done besides his scores. Next time you watch the Olympics, you'll be hearing his work or even NBC news programs. Williams is a powerhouse and I hope one day we'll get to hear his unreleased symphony.
  • Random take: Williams' Star Wars score almost plays double duty by being a character in the film itself, that being of the Force. Leia's theme always feels like its building into the main theme. It feels like the music is a current directing the characters toward the will of the Force itself.
  • @s.t.5993
    “Without John Williams, bikes don’t really fly, nor do brooms in Quidditch matches, nor do men in red capes,” said Spielberg
  • Charles: I could make a whole video on Star Wars music alone Me: Dew it
  • @no_sl303p
    Here's a testament to his greatness. My 5 year old daughter watched Home Alone for the first time this Christmas. A couple weeks later I was listening to Dual of the Fates on the speakers while doing stuff around the house and she commented that it sounds little like Home Alone.
  • My FAVORITE example of John Williams' "GOATness" is in ET when they are out on halloween and ET sees (and recognizes) a kid in a Yoda costume and John Williams sneaks "Yoda's Theme" into the background music so perfectly without it seeming out of place or forced. love it
  • As an Orchestral Composer who worked in the Hollywood Movie Trailer industy for several years, I wholeheartedly agree! John Williams is to film music what Mozart is to Classical Music as we know it. Btw, to anyone who loves his SW work a lot, I'd recommend to check out The Planets by Holst!
  • John Williams has the weird ability to make me feel nostalgic for films I've never seen
  • Over the years, I’ve noticed that people really struggle to make a Christmas staple. John Williams’ score for Home Alone instantly does exactly that. Part of his magic is creating the feeling of wonder for the audience.
  • I don't think Michael Giacchino gets enough credit. His jazz-pop feel is so unique and it's chock full of that same singable quality that we all love from John Williams. He worked on the Incredibles, Up, the Star Trek reboots, and even some Star Wars!
  • The love theme from Star Wars you couldn’t remember is call “Han Solo and the Princess” and the second one you played was “Princess Leia’s Theme”
  • As SOON as heard Leia's theme, I got goosebumps and felt this overwhelming rush of emotion, and warmth over my head and my shoulders. It's absolutely magical musical writing. Mr. John Williams is an absolute gem of a person.
  • The immolation scene from Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. The chords are amazing
  • @cassyguy
    2:00 He jump cut to him talking but he left the chord ringing so that he didn't cut off the music. LOVE this kind of editing and attention to detail!
  • @elize2952
    As a bassoon player I love John Williams for including us lol, specially when watching clone wars, the bassoon solos are so pretty